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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - T

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

T - Temperature

T1 - Tower 1

T2 - Tower 2

T&C - Telemetry and Command

T/V - Thermal/Vacuum

TAI - International Atomic Time

TAP - Technical Assessment Panel

TAR - Tape Archiver

TAT - Turn-Around-Time

TB - Terabyte

TBC - To Be Confirmed

TBD - To Be Determined

TBR - To Be Resolved, To Be Reviewed, or To Be Refined

TBS - To Be Submitted, To Be Supplied , or To Be Specified

TC - Test Case

TCDC - Total Cloud Cover

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

TCPI - To Complete Performance Index

TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TCXO - Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator

TDF - Tracking Data Formatter or Time-Dependent Factor

TDI - Time Delay Integration

TDR - Test Discrepancy Report

TDRS - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite

TDRSS - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System

TDY - Temporary Duty

TE - Test Engineer

TEM - Technical Exchange Meeting

TERSS - Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station Consortium

TESR - Test Execution Summary Report

tHC - The Hammers Company

TIC - Trusted Internet Connection

TID - Total Ionizing Dose

TIFF - Tagged Image File Format

TIM - Technical Interchange Meeting

TIR - Thermal Infrared

TIRS - Thermal Infrared Sensor or Thermal Infrared Scanner

TLE - Two-Line Element

TLM - Telemetry

TM - Thematic Mapper or Traverse Mercator

TM-A - Thematic Mapper - Archive Format

TMACS - Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner Archive Conversion System

TMIAS - Thematic Mapper Image Assessment System

TML - Total Mass Loss

TM-R - Thematic Mapper - Raw Format

TMR - Thermal Mapper Raw

TMSR - TSSC Monthly Status Report

TNOS - Tromoso Network Operations Centre

TNS - Transport Network Substrate

TO - Task Order

TOA - Top of Atmosphere

TOR - Terms of Reference

TP - Task Plan

TPL - Telemetry Packetization Layer

TPM - Technical Performance Measures

TQCM - Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalanc

TRAM - Tracking, Routing, and Metrics

TRD - Technical Requirements Document

TRN - Technical Redirection Notice

TRR - Test Readiness Review

TSI - Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

TSR - Technical Service Request

TSSC - Technical Support Services Contract

TT - Terrestrial Time

TT&C - Telemetry, Tracking, and Control

TT&E - Test, Training, and Exercise

TTF - TIRS Test Facility

TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic

TTOR - Transition To Operations Review

TURFTS - TDRS Users RF Test Set

TUTR - Tunable Universal Track Receiver

TWITL - Total WRS-2 In The Life

TWM - Task and Work Management

TWTA - Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier

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Page Contact Information: Ask Landsat
Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm