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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - All

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

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0R - Zero Reformatted Data

6H - Band 6 - high gain

6L - Band 6 - low gain


A&P - Archive and Production

A/D - Analog/Digital

AA - Active Archive or Alternative Analysis

AAC - Archive Advisory Committee

AADP - Active Archive Data Package

AAS - Anomaly Analysis Subsystem

ABML - As-Built Materials List

ABPL - As-Built Parts List

ABS - Absolute

AC - Alternate Current or Archive Cache

ACCA - Automated Cloud Cover Assessment or Actual Cloud Cover Average

ACK - Acknowledgement

ACL - Access Control List

ACQ - Acquired Scenes Report

ACRES - Australian Center for Remote Sensing

ACS - Attitude Control System

ACSLS - Automated Cartridge System Library Software

ACU - Antenna Control Unit

ACWP - Actual Cost of Work Performed

AD - Active Directory

ADA - Angular Displacement Assembly or Attitude Displacement Assembly

ADC - After DC Restore or Ancillary Data Corrector

ADD - Algorithm Description Document

ADF - Ancillary Data File

ADIC - Advanced Digital Information Corporation

ADM - Administrative Message

ADML - As-Designed Materials List

ADPL - As-Designed Parts List

ADS - Attitude Displacement Sensors or Angular Displacement Sensor or Archive Data Stager

ADSA - Attitude Displacement Sensor Assembly

ADVP - Algorithm Development and Verification Plan

AEM - Auxiliary Electronics Module

AES - Advanced Encryption Standard

AFB - United States Air Force Base

AFM - Anomalous Frame Manager

AFOV - Angular Field of View

AFWA - Air Force Weather Agency

AGC - Automatic Gain Control

AGE - Automated Ground Equipment

AGS - Alaska Ground Station

AIM - Algorithm Integration Meeting

AIS - Automated Information Security

AIT - Algorithm Implementation Team

ALI - Advanced Land Imager

ALIAS - Advanced Land Image Assessment System

AMP - Allocation Management Planner

AN - Ascending Node

ANC - Ancillary File

ANN - Annotation File

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

ANTLR - Another Tool for Language Recognition

AO - Authorization Official

AOI - Area of Interest

AOS - Acquisition of Signal or Arrival On-Site

API - Application Programming Interface

APID - Application Identification

AQ - Advanced Queuing

AQPSK - Asynchronous Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

AR - Archive or Axial Ratio

AS - Archive Server

ASA - Archive Server Application or Alice Springs [Station] Australia

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASGUI - Archive Server Graphical User Interface

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning

ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASN - Alice Springs Ground Station

ASQC - American Society for Quality Control

AST - Active Scan Time

ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection

ASTM - American Society for Testing of Materials

AT-ACCA - Artificial Thermal Automated Cloud Cover Assessment

ATBD - Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

ATCS - Absolute Time Command Sequence

ATL - Automated Tape Library

ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATS - Absolute Time Sequence

AU - Astronomical Units

AUI - Analyst User Interface

AVPD - Avtec Programmable Demodulator

AVT - Algorithm Verification Test


B&A - Billing & Accounting

B1 - Build 1

B2B - Band-to-Band

BA - Billing and Accounting

BAC - Budget at Completion

BAD - Block Address Data

BASIS+ - Budget and Science Information System Plus

BATC - Ball Aerospace & Technology Corporation

BC - Best Case

BCD - Binary-Coded Decimal

BCH - Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Error Detection and Correction

BCISO - Bureau Chief Information Security Officer

BCR - Baseline Change Request

BCWP - Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

BCWS - Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

BD - Band

BER - Bit Error Rate

BIH - Bureau International de l'Heure

BIL - Band Interleaved by Line

BIP - Band Interleaved by Pixel

BIP2 - Band Interleaved by Pixel Pair

BIS - Bureau of Industry and Security

BITSM - Bureau Information Technology Security Manager

BME - Browser Mean Element

BMO - Business Management Office

BMOC - Backup Mission Operations Center

BMOE - Backup Mission Operations Element

BN - Background Noise

BOE - Basis of Estimate

BPA - Blanket Purchase Agreement

BPAL - Best Practices Asset Library

BPDU - Bitstream Protocol Data Unit

BPF - Bias Parameter File

BPG - Bias Parameter Generator

BPSK - Biphase Shift Keying

BRAT - Bit Rot Assessment Tool

BRDF - Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function

BRDF-n - Normalized Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function

BRDF-s - Spectral Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function

BSP - Best Security Practices

BSQ - Band Sequential

BSTAR - Drag-Related Parameter in the NORAD Two-Line Element

BSU - Baseband Switching Unit

BSSC - Bit Synchronizer / Signal Conditioner

BTC - Bench Test Cooler

BTF - Ball Test Facility

BTI - Blank Tape Interface

BUTST - Bureau Unix Technical Support Team

BWTST - Bureau Windows Technical Support Team


C - Centigrade

C& DH - Command and Data Handling

C&A - Certification and Accreditation

C3S - NPOESS Command, Control, and Communications Segment

CA - Conjunction Assessment or Control Account

CADU - Channel Access Data Unit

CAGE - Commercial and Government Entity

CAL - Calibration Data

Cal/Val - Calibration/Validation

CAM - Control Account Manager

CAP - Cartridge Access Port or Control Account Plan

CAPE - Collection Activity Planning Element

CAPERD - CAPE Requirements Document

CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis

CBC - Cipher Block Chaining

CBG - Configuration and Build Guide

CC - Cubic Convolution or Computer Compatible Tape or Cloud Cover

CCA - Cloud Cover Assessment

CCB - Configuration Control Board

CCD - Charge-Coupled Device

CCM - Cloud Cover Manager

CCP - Configuration Change Process, Contamination Control Process, or Cloud Cover Prediction

CCR - Configuration Change Request

CCRS - Canada Center for Remote Sensing

CCS - COI Cleanup System or Confirmed Contact Schedule or Constellation Coordination System

CCSDS - Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems

CCT - Computer Compatible Tape

CD - Change Directory or Compact Disk

CDB - Centralized Database

CDBS - Centralized Database System

CDE - Common Desktop Environment

CDI - Capture Device Identifier

CDMS - Carrier Doppler Measurement System

CDR - Critical Design Review or Calibration Data Record

CDRL - Contract Data Requirements List

CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read Only Memory

CDS - Coded Data Segment or Comprehensive Discrepancy System

CDT - Central Daylight Time

CE - Circular Error

CEOS - Committee on Earth Observing Satellites

CERT - Community Emergency Response Team

CF - Correction Factor or Cloud Fraction

CFC - Contact Forecast Confirmation or Cloud Fraction Climatology

CFDP - CCSDS File Delivery Protocol

CFP - Cold Focal Plane

CFPA - Cold Focal Plan Array or Cold Focal Plane Assembly

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations, Contact Forecast Request

CGB - Calculated Gains and Biases

CI - Configuration Item

CIA - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

CIC - Computer Interrupt Code

CIL - Critical Items List

CIO - Chief Information Officer

CIRC - Computer Incident Reporting Center

CIS - Center for Information Security

CISO - Chief Information Security Officer

CIU - Controls Interface Unit

CLCW - Command Link Control Word

CLR - Combined Labor Rate Contractor Labor Rate

CLTU - Command Link Transmission Unit

CLU - Climate and Land Use

cm - Centimeter

CM - Configuration Management

CMD - Command

CMM - Capability Maturity Model

CMO - Configuration Management Office

CMP - Configuration Management Plan

CMS - Content Management System

CN - Coherent Noise

CNDs - Could-Not-Duplicates

CNR - Carrier-to-Noise Ratio

CO - Contract Officer or Content Owner

COC - Certificate of Completion or Cost of Consequence

COFUR - Cost of Fulfilling a User Request

COG - Center of Gravity or Continuity of Government

COI - Common Order Interface

COLA - Collision Avoidance

COMM - Communications Subsystem

Con Ops - Concept of Operations

CONAE - Commission Nacional De Actividades Espaciales

CONUS - Continental United States

COOP - Continuity of Operations

COQ - Cost of Quality

COR - Contracting Officer Representative or Cost of Reproduction

COTR - Contracting Officer's Technical Representative

COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf

CP - Calibration Parameter

CPF - Calibration Parameter File

CPFF - Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee

CPI - Cost Performance Index

CPIC - Capital Planning and Investment Control

CPR - Cost Performance Report

CPS - Calibration Parameter Management and Testing Subsystem

CPT - Comprehensive Performance Test

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CR - Central Repository or Controlled Repository or Change Request

CR1 - Computer Room 1

CR1MSS - Computer Room 1 Mass Storage System

CR2 - Computer Room 2

CR3 - Computer Room 3

CRaM - Combined Radiometric Model

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check or Cyclic Redundancy Code

CRIT - Central Repository Integration and Test

CRM - Customer Relationship Management or Continuous Risk Management

CRMP - Continuous Risk Management Plan

CROPS - Central Repository Operations

CRSSGS - China Remote Sensing Satellite Grand Station

CRST - Central Repository System Test

CRTEST - Central Repository Test

CS - Customer Service

CSA - Configuration Status Accounting

CSAM - Cyber Security Assessment Management

CSC - Computer Software Component

CSCI - Computer Software Configuration Item

CSIRT - Computer Security Incident Report Team

CSIS - Control and Schedule Interface System

CSR - Capture Success Rate, Capture Success Ratio

CSU - Computer Software Units

CSV - Comma Separated Values

CTE - Calibration Test Equipment or Compatibility Test Equipment

CTP - Command and Telemetry Processors

CTS - Capture Transfer Subsystem

CTV - Compatibility Test Van

CV - Command Verification or Cost Variance

CV-5 - Calibration and Validation 5

CV-7 - Calibration and Validation 7

CVCDU - Coded Virtual Channel Data Unit

CVCM - Collected Volatile Condensable Material or Collected Volatile Condensable Mass

CVDQA - Calibration Validation Data Quality Assurance

CVE - Calibration Validation Element

CVS - Concurrent Versions System

CVT - Calibration and Validation Team

CVTK - Calibration / Validation Tool Kit

CVTKRD - Calibration and Validation Toolkit Requirements Document

CVWG - Calibration-Validation Working Group

CW - Continuous Wave

CWBS - Contractor Work Breakdown Structure


D&M - Development and Maintenance

D/C - Down Converter

D/L - Downlink

D3 - 50GB Data tape cartridge from StorageTek

DA - Document Administrator

DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center

DACA - Days After Contract Award

DAE - Data Acquisition Element

DAF - Data Acquisition Facility

DAG - Database Administrator Guide

DAM - Data Acquisition Manager

DAP - Data Acquisition Plan or Data Acquisition Planner

DART - Data Access Restriction Tool

DAS - Data and Applications Support

DAT - Data Access Tool

DB - Database or Data Block

dB - Decibel

dB/K - Decibel per Degree Kelvin

DBA - Database Administrator

DBCI - Database Configuration Item

DBDD - Database Design Description or Database Description Document

dB-Hz - Decibel-Hertz

dBi - Decibel above isotropic

DBI - Database Interface

DBMS - Database Management System

dBW - Decibel Relative to 1 Watt

DC - Direct Current

DC&P - Data Capture and Processing Facility

DCAA - Defense Contract Audit Agency

DCCB - DHF Configuration Control Board or Development Configuration Control Board

DCN - Document Control Number or Document Change Notice

DCO - DMS Capture Order

DCPF - Data Capture & Processing Facility

DCR - Document Change Request

DCRS - Data Collection and Routing Subsystem

DCRSf - Data Collection and Routing Subsystem file router

DCRSi - Data Collection and Routing Subsystem interval router or Digital Cassette Recorder System Incremental

DCS - Data Capture System or Data Characterization Subsystem

DCT - Digital Cassette Tape

DDD - Displacement Damage Dose

DDI - DCS Data Ingest

DDL - Database Definition Language

DDRC - DPAS Design Reference Case

DDS - DCS Database Server

DDT - DPAS Test Team

DE - Definitive Ephemeris

DEF - Definitive Ephemeris Product

Delta-I - Delta-inclination

DEM - Digital Elevation Model

DEPEPH - Definitive Ephemeris Product

DES - Station Description Message or DAAC Emergency System

DET - Escape Detection

DEU - Digital Electronic Unit

DEV - Development

DFCB - Data Format Control Book

DFD - Data Flow Diagram

DFP - DMS Format and Package

DG - Digital Globe

DGC - DMS Generate Custom GCPs

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHF - Data Handling Facility

DHN - Data Handling Node

DIAT - Daily Image Annotation Tape

DID - Data Item Description or DMS Ingest L0R Data

DIR - Direction

DIRT - Data Interception by Remote Transmission

DIS - Data Information System, Data Instrumentation System

DiTL - Day in The Life

DLT - Digital Linear Tape

DM - Data Management or Document Management or Data Manager

DMA - Direct Memory Access

DMF - Data Migration Facility

DML - Data Manipulation Language

DMP - Document Management Plan

DMR - Detailed Mission Requirements

DMS - Data Management Subsystem or Degrees, Minutes, Seconds

DMSP - Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

DMU - Data Migration Utility

DMZ - Demilitarized Zone

DN - Descending Node or Digital Number

DNS - Domain Name Server

DOC - Department of Commerce

DoD - Department of Defense

DOI - Department of Interior

DOORS - Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System

DOP - Dilution of Precision

DOQ - Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle

DORRAN - Distributed Ordering, Research, Reporting, and Accounting Network

DoS - Denial of Service

DOS - Department of State

DOY - Day-of-Year

DP - Data Processing

DPA - Destructive Physical Analysis

DPAS - Data Processing and Archive System

DPASRD - DPAS Requirements Document

DPR - DMS Process ROLO Report

DPS - Data Processing Subsystem

DQA - Data Quality Analyst

DQV - Data Quality Validation

DR - Delivery Record or Discrepancy Report or Disaster Recovery

DRAC - Dell Remote Access Controller

DRB - Discrepancy Review Board

DRC - Data Requirements List

DRE - DMS Retrieve Elevation

DRFP - Draft Request for Proposal

DRM - DMS Resource Manager

DRP - Disaster Recovery Plan

DRTS - Data Reporting and Tracking Subsystem

DSI - DMS Subsetter Interface

DSL - Days-Since-Launch

DSN - Deep Space Network

DSS - Data Staging System or DPAS Subsetter

DST - Data Support Team

DSW - DMS Setup Work Order

DTED - Digital Terrain Elevation Data

DTG - Day Time Group

DTO - Data Transfer Object

DTR - Document Transfer Request

DTS - Development and Training Simulations

DUI - Data Manager User Interface

DUNS - Data Universal Numbering System

DV - Data Validation

DV&E - Data Validation & Exchange

DVD - Digital Versatile Disc

DVD-R - Digital Versatile Disc – Read Only

DXL - DMS L0 and L1 Products


E&A - Evaluation and Analysis

E&IT - Engineering and Information Technology

EA - Enterprise Architecture

EAC - Estimate at Completion

EAR - Export Administration Regulations

EAS - Evaluation and Analysis Subsystem

Eb - Energy per Bit

EBAS - EROS Billing and Accounting System

EC - Electronic Copy

ECC - Error Correction Code

ECEF - Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed

ECI - Earth Centered Inertial

ECITOD - Earth Centered Inertial TRUE of Date

ECL - Emitter-Coupled Logic

ECR - Earth Centered Rotating

ECS - EOSDIS Core System

ECV - Essential Climate Variable

EDAC - Error Detection and Correction

EDC - EROS Data Center

EDDDR - EDC Daily Discrepancy Report or EDC Daily Data Received Report

EDG - EOS Data Gateway

EDU - Engineering Development Unit

EE - Earth Explorer

EEE - Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical

EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity

EFS - Encrypting File System

EGSE - Electrical GSE

EIA - Electronic Industry Alliance

EIRP - Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

EIS - External Interface Specification

EJB - Enterprise Java Beans

EL1PS - EDC Level 1 Prototype System

ELV - Expendable Launch Vehicle

e-mail - Electronic Mail

EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility

EMI - Electromagnetic Interference

EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse

EMV - Expected Monetary Value

ENVI - Environment for Visualizing Images

EO-1 - Earth Observing 1

EOC - Earth Observation Center

EOF - End-of-File

EOIS - Earth Observation Data & Information Systems

EOL - End-of-Line

EOM - End of Mission

EOS - Earth Observing System

EOSAT - Earth Observation Satellite Company

EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System

EPA - Euler Parameter

EPF - ETM+ Processing Facility

EPGN - EOS Polar Groundstation Network

EPR - Engineering Peer Review

EPS - Electrical Power Subsystem

EPSG - European Petroleum Survey Group

ERB - Engineering Review Board

ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram

EROS - Earth Resources Observation and Science

ERR - Error

ERTS - Earth Resources Technology Satellite

ESA - European Space Agency

ESB - Enterprise Service Bus

ESD - Earth Science Division

ESDIS - Earth Science Data and Information System

ESMO - Earth Science Mission Operations

ESN - Enterprise Services Network

ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload

ESRIN - European Space Research Institute

ESUN - Solar Spectral Irradiance

ETC - Estimate to Completion

ETE - End to End

ETL - Extraction, Translation, Load

ETM - Enhanced Thematic Mapper

ETM+ - Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus

ETRO - Estimated Return to Operations

EU - Engineering Unit

EV - Earned Value

EVDCU - Extended Virtual Channel Data Unit

EVM - Earned Value Management

EVMS - Earned Value Management System

EVP - Environmental Verification Plan

EVS - Earth-Vehicle-Sun angle or Earned Value System

EWR - Eastern and Western Ranges

EWW - Extended Work Week


F&PS - Functional and Performance Specifications

FAC - Full Aperture Calibrator

FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FASC - Full Aperture Solar Calibrator

FAST-L7A - FAST-Landsat 7 Format

FAX - Facsimile Transmission

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBMS - Financial and Business Management System

FC - Formulation Contractor

FCA - Functional Configuration Audit

FC-AL - Fiber Channel-Arbitrated Loop

FCDAS - Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station

FD - Flight Dynamics

FDC - Failure Detection and Correction

FDD - Facilities Definition Document or Format Description Document

FDDI - Fiber-Distributed Data Interface

FDF - Flight Dynamics Facility

FDIR - Fault Detection, Isolation, & Recovery

FEC - Forward Error Corrected

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FFOV - Full Field of View

FFP - Firm Fixed Price

FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Centers

FFS - Fiscal Financial System

FFT - Fast Fourier Transform

FGDC - Federal Geographic Data Committee

FHS - First Half Scan

FHSERR - First Half Scan Error

FIA - Final Implementation Agreement

FIFO - First In, First Out

FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards

FIR - Finite Impulse Response

FISCAM - Federal Information System Control Audit Manual

FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act

FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

FMECA - Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis

FMFIA - Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act

FMT - Format

FNMOC - Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center

FOCCB - Flight Operations Configuration Control Board

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

FOP - Flight Operations Plan

FOR - Flight Operations Review

FORMATS - Flight Dynamics Facility Orbit and Mission Aids Transformation System

FOS - Flight Operations Segment

FOT - Flight Operations Team

FOTS - Free Off-The-Shelf

FOV - Field of View

FPA - Focal Plane Assembly or Focal Plane Array

FPE - Focal Plane Electronics

FPGA - Field-Programmable Gate Array

FPM - Focal Plane Modules

FQT - Formal Qualification Testing

FRB - Full-Resolution Browse

FRED - Framed Raw Expanded Data

FRS - File Retrieval System

FS - Forecast Schedules

FSD - Flight Systems Development

FSM - Flight Systems Manager

FSSC - Financial Support Services Contract

FSV - Flight Software Vendor

FSW - Flight Software

FTA - Fault Tree Analysis

FTD - File Transfer Daemon

FTE - Full Time Equivalent or Full Time Employee

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

FW - Firewall or Full Width

FWHM - Full Width Half Maximum

FY - Fiscal Year


G/T - Gain over Temperature

G&A - General and Administrative

GAM - Geography Analysis and Monitoring

GAO - General Accounting Office

GAQD - Originator Routing Code for IIRV Messages

GAR - Global Archive Refresh

GB - Gigabyte

GBFOM - Global Band Figure of Merit

GBICS - Gigabit Interface Converters

GCCB - Ground Segment Configuration Control Board

GCOR - Temperature corrected Gains

GCP - Ground Control Point

GCTP - General Cartographic Transformation Package

GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

GDS - Ground Data Systems

GEO - Geolocation Index File

GEOM - Geometric

GeoRSS - Geographic Really Simple Syndication

GeoTIFF - Geographic Tagged Image File Format

GEVS - General Environmental Verification Specification

GFE - Government-Furnished Equipment

GFS - Global File System

GFY - Government Fiscal Year

GHz - Gigahertz

GIA - Government Inspection Agency

GIDEP - Government Industry Data Exchange Program

GigE - Gigabit Ethernet

GIO - Geographic Information Officer

GIPS - Geo-Informatics Products and Solutions

GISRA - Government Information Security Reform Act

GISTDA - Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Thailand)

GLC - Ground Look Calibration Request or Gilmore Creek

GloVis - Global Visualization Viewer

GLS - Global Land Survey or Global File System

GMAP - Global Monitoring Acquisition Plan

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GN - Ground Network

GNE - Ground Network Element

GNE-DCRS - Ground Network Element Data Collection and Routing System

GNERD - GNE Requirements Document

GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

GOP - Ground Operations Plan

GOT - Ground Operations Team

GOTS - Government Off The Shelf

GP4 - General Perturbations Theory

GPD - GSFC Policy Directive

GPL - General Public License

GPS - Geometric Processing System or Gap Phase Statistic or Global Positioning System or Geometric Processing Subsystem

GRI - Ground Reference Image

GRIB - Gridded Data

GRID - Global Resource Information Database

GRM - Ground Readiness Manager

GRS - Grid Reference System (SPOT)

GRT - Ground Readiness Test

GRTT - Ground Readiness Test Team

GS - Ground System or Ground Segment

GSA - U.S. General Services Administration or Ground Station Analyst

GSC - Ground Station Controller

GSD - Ground Sampling Distance or Guide Star Data

GSE - Ground Support Equipment, Ground Station Engineers

GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center

GSI - Ground Station Identifier or Ground System Infrastructure

GSIRD - Ground System Interface Requirements Document

GSIWG - Ground System Interface Working Group

GSL - GNU Scientific Library

GSM - Ground System Manager

GSRD - Ground System Requirements Document

GSSP - Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information Technology Systems

GST - Geographic Support Team or Ground Station Technician

GSTDN - Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network

GSWG - Ground System Working Group

GSVVP - Ground System Verification and Validation Plan

GSVWG - Ground System Verification Working Group

GTOPO30 - Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation Data Set

GUI - Graphical User Interface

GXA - Gimbaled X-band Antennae


H/W - Hardware

HA - High Availability

HC - Hard Copy

HCR - Hardware Configuration Request or Hardware Change Request

HDDS - Hazards Data Distribution Systems

HDF - Hierarchical Data Format

HDF-EOS - Hierarchical Data Format - Earth Observing System

HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format Version 5

HDF5-EOS - Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 - Earth Observing System

HDLC - High-Level Data Link Control

HDR - Header

HDRM - High Data Rate Modem

HDS - Horizontal Display Shift

HDT - High Density Tape

Hex - Hexadecimal

HgCdTe - Mercury Cadmium Telluride

HGS - Hallway Ground Station

HK - Housekeeping

HLD - High-Level Document

HOM - Hotine Oblique Mercator

HPA - High Power Antenna

HPN - Panchromatic Band Header File

HPP - Highest Point in Polygon

HQ - Headquarters

HRS - Horizontal Resampling Space

HRV - High Resolution Visible (SPOT sensor)

HSM - Hierarchical Storage Management or Hierarchical Storage Manager

HSPD - Homeland Security Presidential Directive

HTM - Thermal Bands Header File

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

HUB - Historically Underutilized Business

HVAC - Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning

HVU - High Volume User

HWCI - Hardware Configuration Item

Hz - Hertz


I - In-Phase Channel

I1 - Internet 1

I2 - Internet 2

I&T - Integration and Test

I/O - Input/Output

I2I - Image-to-Image

I2RV - Improved Inter-Range Vector Message

IA - Implementing Agreement or Impact Analysis or International Activities

IAC - Independent Assurance Contractor or Issue Assessment Code

IAD - Ion-Assisted Deposition

IAS - Image Assessment Subsystem (LDCM) or Image Assessment System

IASICP - IAS Internal Calibrator Pulse

IATO - Interim Authority To Operate

IAW - In Association With

IBM - International Business Machines

IBR - Integrated Baseline Review

IC - Interface Control or International Cooperator or Internal Calibrator or Internal Cache

ICD - Interface Control Document

ICDR - Instrument Critical Design Review

ICe - Internal Calibrator processing for Emissive bands

ICF - Initial Correction Factor

ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

ICO - International Cooperator Office

ICT - Interface Connectivity Testing

ICVS - Independent Calibration and Verification Segment or Independent Characterization and Verification System

ID - Infrastructure Design, Interface Documents, or Identification

IDCS - Image Data Collection Schedule

IDD - Interface Definitions Document

IDE - Integrated Device Electronics or Infrastructure Development or Integrated Development Environment

IDF - Interval Definition File or Image Data File

IDPS - Image Data Processing Subsystem

IDR - IAS Data Recorder

IDS - Intrusion Detection System

IE - Infrastructure Element

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force

IF - Intermediate Frequency

IFAT - ITOS File Accounting Tool

IFFT - Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

IFOV - Instrument Field of View or Instantaneous Field of View

IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol

IGS - Integrated Security Gateway or International Ground Station

IIRV - Improved Inter-Range Vector

IIOP - Internet Inter-ORB Protocol

IKE - Internet Key Exchange

ILI - IGS to LAM Interface

IM - Instant Message

IMB - Issue Management Board

IMF - Inverse Minor Frames or Interval Metadata File

IMP - Information Management Plan or Integrated Master Plan

IMR - Issue Management Record

IMS - Integrated Master Schedule or Information Management System

IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit or Internal Measurement Unit

IMWD - Internet Moving Window Display

IN - Impulse Noise or Ingest

INFOSEC - Information Security

INM - IGS Network Manager

INPE - National Institute for Space Research

InSb - Indium Antimonite

IOC - Initial Operational Capability, Initial On-orbit Checkout, Installation Operational Certification, or In-Orbit Checkout

IOE - Instrument Operations Element

IONET - IP Operational Network

IP - Internet Protocol or Installation Plan

IPC - Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits or Inter-Process Communication

IPComp - IP Payload Compression Protocol

IPDR - Instrument Preliminary Design Review

IPDU - Internet Protocol Data Unit

IPE - Image Processing Element

IPM - IGS Priority Mask Online Tool or IGS Priority and Request Map

IPO - Integrated Program Office

IPR - Intersegment Problem Report

IPS - Intrusion Prevention System or Image Processing Subsystem

IPSec - Internet Protocol Security

IPSR - Instrument Pre-Ship Review

IPT - Integrated Project Team

IPV - Integrated Pulse Value

IR - Infrared

IRB - Investment Review Board

IRD - Interface Requirements Document

IRFP - Implementation Request for Proposal

IRP - Incident Reporting Plan

IRS - Interface Requirements Specification

IRU - Inertial Reference Unit

IRV - Improved Inter-Range Vector Message

ISA - Internet Security and Acceleration or Interconnection Security Agreement

iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface

ISD - Interface Specification Document

ISI - Integral Systems Incorporated

ISL - Inter-Switch Link

ISO - International Standards Organization

ISSO - Information System Security Official

ISTESR - Ingest Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report or Inventory Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report

IT - Information Technology or Integration Test

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations

ITC - Integration Test Case

ITS - Information Technology Services

ITSNOC - Information Technologies Service Network Operations Center

ITSOT - Information Technology Security Operations Team

ITSS - Information Technology and Scientific Services

ITU - International Telecommunications Union

IU - Individual User

IUR - Individual User Request

IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation

IVM - Interface Verification Matrix

IWG - Interface Working Group


J2EE - Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition

JAR - Java Archive

JaxB - Java Architecture for XML Binding

JBOD - Just a Bunch Of Disks

JBOSS - J2EE Application Server

JDBC - Java Database Connectivity

JDK - Java Development Kit

JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format

JMS - Java Messaging Service

JMSRA - Java Message Service Resource Adapter

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPF - Job Parameter File

JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory

JSP - Java Server Pages

JSpOC - Joint Space Operations Center

JSR - Java Portlet Specification

JVM - Java Virtual Machine


K - Degrees Kelvin

KB - Kilobyte

KHB - Kennedy Space Center Handbook

kHz - Kilohertz

km - Kilometer

KML - Keyhole Markup Language

KPR - Key Performance Requirement

KSAT - Kongsberg Satellite Services

KVM - Keyboard Video Mouse


L0 - Level 0

L0c - Level 0 Corrected

L0R - Level 0 Reformatted

L0Ra - Level 0 Reformatted Archive

L0Rc - Level 0 Reformatted Corrected

L0Rp - Level 0 Reformatted Product

L1 - Level 1

L1G - Level 1 Systematic (Corrected)

L1Gs - Level 1 Geometric Systematic

L1Gt - Level 1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected)

L1P - Level 1 Precision (Corrected)

L1R - Level 1 Radiometric (Corrected)

L1R-H - Hybrid Level 1 Radiometric

L1SE - Level 1 Sustaining Engineering

L1T - Level 1 Terrain (Corrected) or Level 1 Precision and Terrain

L5 - Landsat 5

L7 - Landsat 7

L8 - Landsat 8

LACS - Landsat Archive Conversion System

LADS - LDCM Archive and Dissemination Segment

LAM - Landsat Archive Manager

LAM AS - LAM Archive Server

LAM008 - Interface Between COI PS and L0Rp PS

LAN - Local Area Network

LAS - Land Analysis System

LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

LAT - Latitude

LC - LDCM Contractor

LCC - Lambert Conformal Conic

LCCB - Landsat Configuration Control Board

LCCR - Landsat Configuration Change Request

LCG - Landsat Coordination Group

LCGS - LDCM Contractor Ground Segment

LCSS - LDCM Contractor Space Segment

LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDB - IAS Local Database

LDCC - Landsat Data Continuity Contract

LDCM - Landsat Data Continuity Mission

LDI - LPS Data Ingest or L0Ra Data Ingest

LDIF - LDAP Data Interchange Format

LDIS - LAM to DORRAN Interface System

LDPC - Low Density Parity Check

LDPS - Landsat Data Purchase System

LDRCS - LDCM Document Review Comment Spreadsheet

LDTS - LPS Data Transfer Subsystem

LEDAPS - Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System

LEI - LAM to ECS Interface

LEM - Lower Equipment Module

LEO - Low Earth Orbiting

LES - Log file Extraction Services

Level A - Level Zero Aggregated

LG - L0Ra Generator

LGGS - Landsat Global Geodetic Standard

LGN - Landsat 7 Ground Network or LDCM Ground Network

LGPL - Lesser General Public License

LGS - Landsat 7 Ground System or LDCM Ground System

LGSOWG - Landsat Ground Station Operations Working Group

LHC - Left-Hand Circular

LHCP - Left-hand Circularly Polarized

LHS - Left-hand Side or Left-Hand SLO

LIB - Library

LICS - Landsat International Communication System

LID - Landsat and LDCM Inventory Database

LIL - Landsat Inventory Loader or LDCM Inventory Loader

LIM - Landsat Inventory Management or LDCM Interface for Metadata

LIMB - LAM Interface for Metadata and Browse

LIS - Landsat Integration System or LACS Inventory System

LITAP - Landsat Intersegment Technical Assessment Panel

LL - Lower Left

LLI - LAM to LACS Interface

LM - Labeled Mask

Lmax - Maximum Radiance

LMC - Lockheed Martin Corporation

LMD - Landsat Mission Database or LDCM Mission Database

LMDD - Landsat Metadata Description Document

LMI - Lower Equipment Module Interface

LMMS - Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space

LMST - Local Mean Solar Time

LMWS - Landsat Mission Web Site

LNA - Low Noise Amplifiers

LOE - Level of Effort

LON - Longitude

LOOFA - Landsat 7 On-Orbit Flight Automation

LOS - Loss of Signal or Line-of-Sight

LP DAAC - Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center

LPDS - Level 1 Product Distribution System or LDCM Data Product Specification

LPGS - Level 1 Product Generation System or Level 1 Product Generation Subsystem (LDCM)

LPGSUI - Level 1 Product Generation Subsystem User Interface

LPO - LDCM Program Office or LSDS Program Office

LPS - Landsat 7 Processing System

LPSNG - Landsat Processing System Next Generation

LPSO - Landsat Project Science Office

LPT - Limited Performance Test

LR - Lower Right

LRD - Launch Readiness Date

LRMB - LDCM Risk Management Board

LRR - Launch Readiness Review

LRS - Landsat Remote Sensing

LS - Launch Segment

LSATH - High Saturation Radiance

LSATL - Low Saturation Radiance

LSB - Least Significant Bit

LSC - Landsat Security Committee

LSDS - Land Satellites Data System

LSF - Line Spread Function

LSIMSS - LDCM Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Support System

LSO - LDCM Science Office

LSQAT - Landsat Science Quality Assurance Team

LSR - Launch Support Room

LSRD - LSDS Science Research and Development

LSS - Launch Services Segment

LST - Landsat Science Team

LTA - Long Term Archive

LTAP - Long-Term Acquisition Plan

LTAS - Landsat Trending and Analysis System

LTI - Legacy Tape Ingest

LTO - Linear Tape Open

LTS - LACS Transcription System

LTVA - Limited Technical Vulnerability Assessment

LTWG - Landsat Technical Working Group

Ltypical - Typical Radiance

LUN - Logical Unit Number

LUT - Look-Up Table

LV - Launce Vehicle

LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer

LWIR - Long Wavelength Infrared


m - meter

M&PCB - Materials and Processes Control Board

M&PCP - Materials and Processes Control Program

MA - Mission Archive or Multiple Access or Major Application or Mission Assurance

MAC - Media Access Control or Monitor and Control Subsystem

MACS - MSS-X Archive Conversion System or Monitor and Control Subsystem

MAD - Median Absolute Deviation

MAE - Materials Assurance Engineer

MAID - Massive Array of Idle Disks

MAM - Mission Assurance Manager

MAP - Mission Assurance Plan

MAR - Mission Assurance Requirements

MAS - MODIS Archive System

MB - Megabyte

Mbps - Megabit per Second

MC - MAC Controller

MCDL - Master Controlled Document List (LDCM)

MCDR - Mission Critical Design Review

MCM - Multi-Chip Module

MCS - Monitor and Control Subsystem

MD - Metrics Database or Mission Data or Mission Data

MD5 - Message-Digital Algorithm 5

MDA - MacDonald, Dettwiler, and Associates

MDGLS - Mid-Decadal Global Land Survey

MDH - Mission Data Header

MDIO - Mission Data Input / Output

MDL - Metadata Loader

MDS - MMO Database System or MMO Database Subsystem (MDS) (LDCM)

ME - Memory Effect

MEB - Materials Engineering Branch

MEC - Metrics ETL Component

MEOS - Multi-mission Earth Observation System

MF - Minor Frame

mf  - minor frame

MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes or MAC Fetch CPF

MFPS - Major Frame Processing Subsystem

MG - Metadata Generator

MGS - MODIS Ground Station

MHz - Megahertz

MIL - Materials Identification List or MAC Inventory L0Ra

MMIO - Modified Morarec Interest Operator

MIS - Master Integrated Schedule

MISR - Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer

MJF - Major Frame

MJP - MAC Job Processor

MLC - Most Likely Case


MLI - MACS to LAM Interface

MLT - Mean Local Time

mm - Millimeter

mm/hr - Millimeters per Hour

MMO - Mission Management Office

MMOIO - Mission Management Office Information Officer

MMOSA - MMO Security Activity

MMOSE - Mission Management Office Systems Engineer

MMR - Mission Requirements Review

MMS - MDGLS Management System or Multimission Modular Spacecraft

MO&DSD - Mission Operations and Data System Directorate

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOC - Mission Operations Center

MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

MODNET - MO&DSD Operational/Development Network

MODTRAN - Moderate Resolution Transmittance atmospheric modeling software

MOE - Mission Operations Element

MOERD - Mission Operations Element Requirements Document

MOI - Moment of Inertia

MOM - Mission Operations Manager

MOPSS - Mission Operations Planning and Scheduling System

MOR - Mission Operations Room or Mission Operations Review

MOS - Mission Operations Simulation

MOTS - Mission Off-The-Shelf

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MOVE - Mission Operations Voice Enhancement

MP - Multi-processor

MPLS - Multi Protocol Label Switching

MPR - Monthly Progress Review

MPS - MODIS Processing System or Mission Plan System

MPSR - Management Program Status Review

MR - Management Reserve

MRB - Milestone Review Board or Material Review Board

MRC - Metrics Reporting Component

MRR - Mission Requirements Review

MRT - Mission Readiness Testing

MRTG - MultiRouter Traffic Grapher

ms - millisecond

MS - Multispectral

msb - Most Significant Bit

MSB - Most Significant Byte

MSCD - Mirror Scan Correction Data

MSE - Mission Systems Engineering

MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center

MSK - Receive Antenna Horizon Mask Message

MSM - MultiService Mobility or Mission Simulations Manager or Management Switch Module

MSPSP - Missile System Prelaunch Safety Data Package

MSR - Monthly Status Review

MSS - Multispectral Scanner or Mass Storage System

MSS-A - Multispectral Scanner - Archive Format

MSS-P - Multispectral Scanner - Processed Format

MSS-X - Multispectral Scanner data, reformatted CCT-X data

MST - Mission Support Team

MTA - Metadata

MTBF - Mean Time Before Failure

MTDSS - MS and TM Data Subsetting System

MTF - Modulation Transfer Function

MTFC - Modulation Transfer Function Compensation

MTL - Level 1 Metadata

MTP - Distribution Product Metadata

MTS - MDS Transformation Services

MTTR - Mean Time to Restore or Mean Time to Repair or Mean Time to Recovery

MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit

MUA - Materials Usage Agreement

mW - milliWatt

MWD - Moving Window Display


N/A - Not Applicable

N0 - Noise Density

NAK - Negative Acknowledgement

NARA - National Archive and Records Administration

NAS - NASA Assurance Standard

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Nascom - NASA Communications

NASDA - National Space Development Agency (Japan)

NAVOCEANO - Naval Oceanographic Office

NBR - Normalized Burn Ratio or Navigation Base Reference

NCAS - National Carbon Accounting System

NCC - Network Control Center

NCEP - National Centers for Environmental Prediction

NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications

NCT - Network Connectivity Test

NDE - Non-Destructive Examination

NDF - NLAPS Data Format

NDP - National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive (NSLRSDA) Data Package

NDPF - NASA Data Processing Facility

NDSI - Normalized Difference Snow Index

NDVI - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

NEDL - Noise Equivalent Detector Radiance

NEDT - Noise Equivalent Detector Temperature

NEMA - National Electrical Manufactures Association

NEN - Near Earth Network

NEOS - National Earth Orientation Service

NEPAG - NASA EEE Parts Assurance Group

NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service

NewOps - New Operational Procedures System

NFS - Network File System

NG - National Guard

NGA - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

NGAC - National Geospactial Advisory Committee

NGST - Northrop Grumman Space Technology

NHB - NASA Handbook

NIC - Network Interface Card

NIPD - Network Interface Planning Document

NIR - Near-infrared

NISN - NASA Integrated Services Network

NIST - National Institute for Standards and Technology

NITF - National Imagery Transformation Format

NLAPS - National Land Archive Production System

NLI - National Land Imaging

NLIP - National Land Imaging Program

nm - Nanometer

NMAS - National Map Accuracy Standards

NMD - National Mapping Discipline

NMS - Network Management Software

NN - Nearest Neighbor

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOC - NUGS Operations Concept

NOLAN - Nascom Operational Local Area Network

NOM - Network Operations Manager

NOR - NORAD Two Line Element Message

NORAD - North American Air Defense

NOVAS - Naval Definition Vector Astronomy Software

NPD - NASA Policy Directive

NPOESS - National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System

NPSL - NASA Parts Selection List

NPV - Net Present Value or Net Pulse Value

NRCA - Nonconformance Reporting and Corrective Action

NRT - Network Readiness Test

NRTL - Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

NRZ-L - Non-Return to Zero-Level

NRZ-M - Non-Return to Zero-Mark

NSA - National Security Agency

NSDI - Normalized Snow Difference Index or National Spatial Data Infrastructure

NSLRSDA - National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive

NSM - Network and Security Manager

NSPAR - Nonstandard Parts Approval Request

NSS - NASA Safety Standard

NSSDC - National Space Science Data Center

NSTC - National Science and Technology Council

NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration

NTE - Not To Exceed

NTP - Network Time Protocol

NUC - Non-Uniformity Correction

NUGS - NASA-USGS Joint Ground System

NUP - North Up

NWS - National Weather Service


O&M - Operations & Maintenance

OA - Operational Archive or Operations Agreement

OBC - Onboard Computer

OBE - Overcome By Events

OBP - On-Board Processor

OBS - Organizational Breakdown Structure

OC - Online Cache or Operations Concept

OCC - Operator Control Console or Occurrence

OCD - Operations Concept Document

OCI - Organization Conflict of Interest

ODBC - Open Database Connectivity

ODC - Other Direct Costs

ODL - Object Description Language

ODOS - Order Distribution and Order Status

ODS - Order Distribution Service

OE - Operations Engineer

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

OFE - Order Fulfillment Element

OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium

OHS - Order Handler Subsystem

OIV - On-orbit Initialization and Verification

OLAP - On-Line Analytical Processing

OLI - Operational Land Imager

OM - Operations and Maintenance

OMA - Oblique Mercator Type A

OMB - Office of Management and Budget or Oblique Mercator Type B

OMS - Optimum Management System

OOB - Out-of-Band

OPM - Office of Personnel Management

OPR - Office of Primary Responsibility

OPS - Operations

Ops Con - Operations Concept

OR - Operations Readiness

ORB - Object Request Broker

ORR - Operations Readiness Review

ORT - Operational Readiness Test

OQPSK - Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

OS - Operating System

OSC - Orbital Science Corporation

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSI - Open Systems Interconnection

OSS - Object Storage Server or Operations Support Simulations

OSSMA - GSFC Office of Systems Safety and Mission Assurance

OST - Object Storage Target

OSTP - Office of Science and Technology Policy

OTF - Optical Transfer Function

OTS - OLI-TIRS Subsetter

OUI - Operator User Interface

OVAD - Operational Verification Acceptance Document

OVAP - Operational Verification Acceptance Period

OWB - Oracle Warehouse Browser or Oracle Warehouse Builder

OWSGUI - Oracle Web Service GUI


P/D - Programmable Demodulator

P&C - Project Management and Controls

PAC - Partial Aperture Calibrator

PAIV - Project Acceptance and Implementation Variance

PAM - Pluggable Authentication Module

PAN - Production Acceptance Notification or Panchromatic

PAPH - Pseudo Average Pulse Height

PAPL - Project Approved Parts List

PAR - Post Assessment Report

PASC - Partial Aperture Solar Calibrator

PB - Playback or Petabyte

PBL - Project Baseline Log

PBTLM - PB X-Band Housekeeping Telemetry

PC - Personal Computer, Polyconic, or Production Control

PCA - Physical Configuration Audit, Physical Channel Access, or Point of Closest Approach

Pcache - Processing Cache

PCB - Parts Control Board or Project Control Board

PCD - Payload Correction Data

PCDS - Payload Correction Data Subsystem

PCI - Peripheral Component Interface

PCI-E - Peripheral Component Interconnect Express

PCI-X - Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended

PCM - Pulse Code Modulation

PCP - Parts Control Plan

PCS - Process Control Subsystem or Product Control Subsystem or Production Control Subsystem

PCSS - Program Coordinate Systems Standards

PCU - Power Control Unit

PD - Product Distribution or Position Description

PDB - Program Decision Board

PDD - Presidential Decision Directive

PDF - Portable Document Format or Payload Data Formatter

PDI - Product Delivery Interface

PDL - Product Design Lead

PDPS - USGS – Planning and Data Processing Segment

PDR - Product Delivery Record or Preliminary Design Review

PDRD - Product Delivery Record Discrepancy

PDRM - Product Delivery Receipt Mechanism

PDS - Product Distribution System

PDU - Protocol Data Unit

PER - Performance Evaluation Review or Pre-Environmental Review

PERT - Program Evaluation and Review Technique

PF - Polarization Factor

PF1 - Poker Flats 1

PFPA - Prime Focal Plan Assembly

PFR - Problem / Failure Report

PG - Product Generation

PGS - Product Generation System (Generic Name for NLAPS) or Product Generation Subsystem

PgWBS - Program Work Breakdown Structure

PHA - Preliminary Hazard Analysis

PI - Primary Investigator

PIA - Project Implementation Agreement

PII - Personally Identifiable Information

PIL - Parts Identification List

PIP - Premium Internet Protocol

PIV - Personal Identity Verification

PKI - Public Key Infrastructure

PKO - Project Kick-Off

PL - Public Law

PL-DRO - Phase Locked Dielectric Resonance Oscillator

PL/SQL - Procedural Language / Structured Query Language

PM - Phase Modulation or Program Management or Project Management

PMC - Performance Monitoring Counter

PMB - Performance Measurement Baseline

PMBOK - Project Management Book Of Knowledge

PMI - Project Management Institute

PMO - Persistent Mission Object

PMP - Project Management Professional or Project Management Plan

PMPDR - Physical Media Product Delivery Record

PMPDRD - Physical Media PDR Discrepancy

PN - Pseudorandom Noise or Pseudo-Noise

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNTR - Pointer

PO - Project Owner

POA&M - Plan of Action and Milestones

POC - Point of Contact

POJO - Plain Old Java Object

POP - Point-Of-Presence

POSC - Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation

POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for Unix

PP - Planning Package

PPF - Payload Processing Facility

PPL - Preferred Parts List

ppm - Parts Per Million

PPOC - Procurement Point of Contact

PPQA - Process and Product Quality Assurance

PPS - Pulse Per Second

PR - Program Review or Problem Report or Product Request

PRA - Paperwork Reduction Act or Probabilistic Risk Assessment

PRB - Problem Report Message

PRD - Project Reference Database

PRI - Priority Mask Message

PS - Polar Stereographic or Production Server

PSA - Pre Security Assessment

PSD - Power Spectral Density

PSF - Point Spread Function

PSK - Phase Shift Keyed

PSLA - Project Service Level Agreement

PSM - Project Safety Manager

PSR - Priority/Service Request Mask File or Pre-Ship Review or Pre-Shipment Review, or Program Status Review

PTP - Primary Transfer Program or Programmable Telemetry Processor

PTR - Post-Test Review

PTS - Project Task Structure

PV - Planned Value

PVCS - Polytron Version Control System

PVL - Parameter Value Language

PWB - Printed Wiring Board

PWBS - Project Work Breakdown Structure

PWC - PCS Work Order Controller

PWS - Project Web Site


Q - Quadrature Channel

Q&A - Quality and Accounting

QA - Quality Assurance

QAA - Quality Assurance Audit

QAS - Quality Assessment Subsystem

QB - Quality Board or Quality Band

QC - Quality Control

QCM - Quartz Crystal Microbalance

QFS - Quick File System

QMM - Landsat Quarterly Management Meeting

QMP - Quality Management Plan

QMS - Quality Management System

QOCI - Qt Oracle Call Interface

QPSK - Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

QWR - Quarterly Web Review


R&D - Research and Development

R/T - Receive/Transmit

R0C - A stage of Radiometric Processing; Radiometric Calibration

R0R - A stage of Radiometric Processing; Radiometric Artifacts Collection

R1R - A stage of Radiometric Processing; Cosmetic Changes

R21 - Resource 21

RAC - Real Application Cluster or Risk Assessment Code

RAD - Radiometric

RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAM - Random Access Memory or Responsibility Assignment Matrix or Resource Allocation Matrix

RAMP - Radarsat Antarctica Mapping Project

RAS - Reliability, Availability, Serviceability

RBS - Reflective Band Sensor or Risk Breakdown Structure

RBST - Role Based Security Training

RBV - Return Beam Vidicon

R-C - Resistor-Capacitor

RCA - Radio Corporation of America

RCC - Raw Computer Compatible

RCM - Resource Configuration Manager

RCN - Revision Control Number

RCR - Remote Controlled Repository

RDBMS - Related Database Management System

RDC - Remote Desktop Connection

RDCS - Raw Data Capture Subsystem

RDPS - Raw Data Processing Subsystem

RDS - Raw Data Subsetter

RDSS - RCC Data Subsetter

RE - Requirements Engineer and Responsible Engineer

REC - Recovery Time

REL - Relative

REST - Representational State Transfer

REQ - Service Request Message

RF - Radio Frequency

RFA - Request for Action

RFC - Request for Comments

RFP - Request for Proposal

RG - Relative Gain

RGB - Red Green and Blue Color Value

RHC - Right-hand Circular

RHCP - Right Hand Circularly Polarized

RHS - Right-hand Side or Right-hand SLO

RIDS - Review Item Discrepancies

RIM - Risk Information Management Tool

RIS24 - 24-bit Raster Image

RITSO - Regional IT Security Officer

RLUT - Response Linearization Look Up Table

RM - Requirements Management or Risk Manager or Resource Manager

RMAN - Recovery Manager

RMB - Risk Management Board

RMD - Risk Management Database

RMP - Requirements Management Plan or Risk Management Plan

RMR - Risk Management Record

RMS - Root-Mean-Square or Risk Management System

RMSE - Root Mean Square Error

RMT - Risk Management Tool

RN - Random Noise

ROI - Return on Investment or Region of Interest

ROIC - Read-Out Integrated Circuit

ROLE - Robotic Lunar Observatory

ROLO - Robotics Lunar Observatory

ROM - Rough Order of Magnitude

RPC - Remote Procedure Call

RPM - Revolutions per Minute

RPS - Radiometric Processing Subsystem

RRAS - Routing and Remote Access Services

RRB - Reduced Resolution Browse

R-S - Reed-Solomon

RSA - Rivest-Shamin-Adleman

RSB - Remote Sensing Branch

RSR - Relative Spectral Responses

RSS - Reuse Subsystem or Really Simple Syndication

RT - Real Time

RTA - Roof Top Antenna

RTC - Remote Telemetry and Command Unit

RTCS - Relative Time Command Sequence

RTF - Rich Text Format

RTS - Relative Time Sequence

RTT - Round Trip Time

RTTM - Requirements-To-Test Matrix

RX - Receive


S&O - Search and Order

S/C - Spacecraft

S/W - Software

SA - Spacecraft Analyst, Single Access, or Systems Administrator or Storage and Archive Subsystem

SA-AC - Storage Archive - Archive Cache

SAC - Satellite Application Centre (South Africa)

SAG - System Administrator Guide

SAGUI - Storage and Archive Graphical User Interface

SA-IC - SA – Internal Cache

SAIC - Science Applications International Corporation

SAM - Scan Angle Monitor or Storage Archive Manager

SAMP - Software Acquisition Management Plan

SAN - Storage Area Network

SANS - System Administration, Networking, and Security Institute

SA-PC - Storage Archive - Processing Cache

SARR - Security Assessment Response Report

SAS - Serial Attached SCSI

SAT - Site Acceptance Testing

SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SAW - Systems Analysis Workgroup

SBAF - Spectral Band Adjustment Factor

SBG - Software Build Guide

SBM - Serena Business Manager

SBRS - Santa Barbara Remote Sensing

SC - Spacecraft, or Science Campaign

SCA - Sensor Chip Assembly

SCC - Stress Corrosion Cracking or System Control Center

SCD - Small Conversion Device

SCH - Contact Schedule Message

SCI - Software Configuration Item

SCID - Spacecraft Identifier

SCL - Signal Conditioning Unit - Lower Equipment Module

SCM - Software Configuration Management

SCN - Scan

SCP - Standard Controls Processor or Secure Copy Protocol

SCR - System Concept Review or Software Configuration Request

SCS - Scan-Correlated Shift, Satellite Checkout Station, or NOAA/IPO Space and Communications Segment

SCSI - Small Computer Software Interface

SD - South Dakota or Scan Direction

SDD - Software Design Document

SDF - Software Development File

SDLC - System Development Life Cycle

SDLT - Super DLT

SDM - Silo Data Manager

SDMP - Software Development Management Plan

SDN - South Dakota Network

SDP - Software Development Plan or Science Data Production

SDPS - Support Data Processing Subsystem

SDR - System Design Review

SDS - Scientific Data Set

SDU - Service Data Unit

SDW - Seamless Data Warehouse

SE - Systems Engineer

SEB - Source Evaluation Board

SED - Software Engineering Department

SEE - Single-Event Effect

SEI - Software Engineering Institute

SEIT - System Engineer Integration and Test

SEL - Single-Event Latchup or Software Engineer Lead

SelfDef - SelfDefining CMDA format

SEM - Security Engineered Machine

SEMP - Systems Engineering Management Plan

SEU - Single Event Upset - Anomaly Event

SEV - Severity or Sun-Earth-Vehicle angle

SF - Service Framework

SFBME - Short Form Brouwer Mean Element

SFC - Scene Framing Component

SFCG - Space Frequency Coordination Group

SFFT - Short Form Functionality Testing

SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

Sg/SG6 - Svaldbard Ground Station

SGDAWG - Space to Ground Data Acquisition Working Group

SGI - Silicon Graphics Incorporated

SGP4 - Simplified General Perturbations

SGS - Svalbard Ground Station or Spitzbergen Ground Station

SHC - Shutter Histogram Characterization

SHS - Second Half Scan

SHSERR - Second Half Scan Error

SI - Searchable Inventory or Space Imaging or Science Instrument or Système International

SIAT - Spectral Image Annotation Tape

SIC - Spacecraft Identifier Code

SID - Searchable Inventory Database

SIFMT - Scene to Interval to File Mapping Table

SIG - Signaling

SIP - Standard Internet Protocol

SIR - Scientific Investigations & Research or Survey Investigation and Research

SIRU - Scalable Inertial Reference Unit

SITP - Software Integration Test Plan

SL - Scan Line

SLA - Service Level Agreement or Scan Line Artifact

SLC - Scan Line Corrector

SLAM - Storage Location Allocation Manager

SLAT - Spacecraft Location and Attitude Tape

SLATE - System Level Automation Tool for Enterprises

SLD - Scan Line Data

SLL - Scan Line Length

SLO - Scan Line Offset

SLOC - Standard Lines of Code

SLP - Service Location Protocol

SLS - Scan Line Start

SM - Schedule Manager or Scan Mirror

SMA - Safety and Mission Assurance or S-Band Multiple Access

SMAP - Safety and Mission Assurance Plan

SMC - Subsetter Monitor and Controllers

SMD - Stored Mission Data

SME - Scan Mirror Electronics or Subject Matter Expert

SMP - Software Maintenance Plan

SMR - Staff Management Request

SMRD - Science and Mission Requirements Document

SMS - System Management Server

SN - Space Network

SNAS - Space Network Access System

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SO - Search and Order

SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture or Satellite Operator Agency

SOD - Seconds Of Day

SOH - State of Health

SOM - Space Oblique Mercator

SON - Statement of Need

SOO - Statement of Objectives

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

SOS - Spacecraft/Observatory Simulator

SOW - Statement of Work

SPARC - Scalable Processor Architecture

SPI - Schedule Performance Index


SPITL - Scheduling Period In The Life

SPL - Software Project Lead

SPOC - Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Proof of Concept or Security Point of Contact

SPOT - Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (Satellite for Earth Observation)

SPSR - System Pre-Ship Review

SPVP - System Performance Verification Plan

SQA - Software Quality Assurance

SQAP - Software Quality Assurance Plan

SQL - Structured Query Language

SQMS - Software Quality Management System

SQPSK - Staggered Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

SQRT - Square Root

SR - System Review

sr - steradian

SRB - Schedule Review Board

SRD - System Requirements Document

SRI - Standard Robot Interface

SRM - Silo Resource Manager

SRO - Systems Review Office

SRR - System Readiness Review, System Requirements Review, or Software Requirements Review

SRS - Software Requirements Specification or System Requirements Specification

SRT - Systems Review Team

SRTM - Software Requirements Traceability Matrix or Shuttle Radar Topography Mission

SS - Space Segment or System Support

SSA - S-Band Single Access

SSCL - Standard System Control List

SSD - Subsystem Design Document

SSH - Secure Shell

SSIP - System Safety Implementation Plan

SSoH - Stored State of Health

SSP - System Security Plan or Satellite Support Plan

SSPA - Solid State Power Amplifier

SSPP - Systems Safety Program Plan

SSR - Solid State Recorder

ST - System Test

STC - System Test Case

STDEV - Standard Deviation

STDN - Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network

STE - System Test Equipment

STESR - System Test Execution Summary Report

STF - System Transfer Function

STIG - Security Technical Implementation Guide

STK - StorageTek

STP - System Test Plan

STR - System Test Report

STS - Scene Transmit Schedule

SUM - Summary

SUN - Sun Microsystems, Inc.

SUI - Subsetter Operator User Interface

SV - Space Vehicle, Schedule Variance, or Subversion

SvalSat - Svalbard Satellite Station

SVN - Sun-Vehicle-Normal angle or Subversion

SVT - Site Verification Test

SVVP - System Verification and Validation Plan

SW - Switch or Software

SWIR - Short Wavelength Infrared

SWOT - Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat

SZA - Solar Zenith Angle


T - Temperature

T1 - Tower 1

T2 - Tower 2

T&C - Telemetry and Command

T/V - Thermal/Vacuum

TAI - International Atomic Time

TAP - Technical Assessment Panel

TAR - Tape Archiver

TAT - Turn-Around-Time

TB - Terabyte

TBC - To Be Confirmed

TBD - To Be Determined

TBR - To Be Resolved, To Be Reviewed, or To Be Refined

TBS - To Be Submitted, To Be Supplied , or To Be Specified

TC - Test Case

TCDC - Total Cloud Cover

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

TCPI - To Complete Performance Index

TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TCXO - Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator

TDF - Tracking Data Formatter or Time-Dependent Factor

TDI - Time Delay Integration

TDR - Test Discrepancy Report

TDRS - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite

TDRSS - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System

TDY - Temporary Duty

TE - Test Engineer

TEM - Technical Exchange Meeting

TERSS - Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station Consortium

TESR - Test Execution Summary Report

tHC - The Hammers Company

TIC - Trusted Internet Connection

TID - Total Ionizing Dose

TIFF - Tagged Image File Format

TIM - Technical Interchange Meeting

TIR - Thermal Infrared

TIRS - Thermal Infrared Sensor or Thermal Infrared Scanner

TLE - Two-Line Element

TLM - Telemetry

TM - Thematic Mapper or Traverse Mercator

TM-A - Thematic Mapper - Archive Format

TMACS - Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner Archive Conversion System

TMIAS - Thematic Mapper Image Assessment System

TML - Total Mass Loss

TM-R - Thematic Mapper - Raw Format

TMR - Thermal Mapper Raw

TMSR - TSSC Monthly Status Report

TNOS - Tromoso Network Operations Centre

TNS - Transport Network Substrate

TO - Task Order

TOA - Top of Atmosphere

TOR - Terms of Reference

TP - Task Plan

TPL - Telemetry Packetization Layer

TPM - Technical Performance Measures

TQCM - Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalanc

TRAM - Tracking, Routing, and Metrics

TRD - Technical Requirements Document

TRN - Technical Redirection Notice

TRR - Test Readiness Review

TSI - Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

TSR - Technical Service Request

TSSC - Technical Support Services Contract

TT - Terrestrial Time

TT&C - Telemetry, Tracking, and Control

TT&E - Test, Training, and Exercise

TTF - TIRS Test Facility

TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic

TTOR - Transition To Operations Review

TURFTS - TDRS Users RF Test Set

TUTR - Tunable Universal Track Receiver

TWITL - Total WRS-2 In The Life

TWM - Task and Work Management

TWTA - Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier


U/L - Uplink

U/P - Uplink Processor

UAF - University of Alaska, Fairbanks

UB - Undistributed Budget

UDP - Upper Data Point or User Datagram Protocol

UDT - UDP Data Transfer

UG - Users Guide

uhd - User's Home Directory

UI - User Interface

UIS - USGS Inventory Server

UL - Upper Left

UML - Unified Modeling Language

UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

UNIX - Bell Laboratories trademark for operating system language and time sharing

unixODBC - Unix Open Database Connectivity

UP - User Portal Subsystem

UPE - User Portal Element

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply or Universal Polar Stereographic

UQPSK - Unbalanced Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying

UR - Upper Right

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

URP - User Request Parameters

US - United States

USB - Universal Serial Bus

USC - United States Code

USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture

USG - U.S. Government

USGS - U.S. Geological Survey

USNO - U.S. Naval Observatory

USPS - United States Postal Service

USSTRATCOM - U.S. Strategic Command

UT - Universal Time or Unit Test

UT1 - UTC Corrected

UTC - Universal Time Code or Coordinated Universal Time

UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator


V&V - Verification and Validation

VA - Veteran Administration

VAC - Variance at Completion

VAFB - Vandenburg Air Force Base

VAP(s) - Value Added Processor(s)

VAR - Value-Added Resellers or Variance Analysis Report

VC - Virtual Channel

VCA - Virtual Channel Access

VCDU - Virtual Channel Data Unit

VCID - Virtual Channel Identifier or Virtual Channel Identification

VCLC - Virtual Channel Link Control

VDD - Version Description Document

VDP - Validation Data Products

VER - Version

VF - Valley Forge

VIIRS - Visible Infrared Imager / Radiometer Suite

VisID - Visual Identification

VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network

VM - Version Manager

VMS - Virtual Memory Storage

VNIR - Visible and Near Infrared

VOI - Value of Information

VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VRM - Verification Requirements Matrix

VRP - Video Reference Pixel

VRS - Vertical Resampling Space

VTL - Verification Tracking Log


WAD - Work Authorization Document

WAN - Wide Area Network

WB - Wideband

WBDR - Wideband Downlink Report

WBM - Wide-Band Module

WBS - Work Breakdown Structure

WBV - Wide Band Video

WBVT - Wide Band Video Tape

WC - Worst Case

WCS - Web Coverage Services

WELD - Web-Enabled Landsat Data

WFS - Web Feature Services

WG - Working Group

WGS - World Geodetic System

WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984

WILMA - Wide Long Term Multi-Satellite Archive

WIP - Work In Progress

WMS - Web Mapping Services

WO - Work Order

WORS - Wallops Orbital Tracking Station

WOTIS - Wallops Orbital Tracking Information Systems

WP - Work Plan or Work Package

WPS - Wallops Ground Station

WRS - Worldwide Reference System

WRS-2 - Worldwide Reference System-2

WSC - White Sands Complex

WSDL - Web Service Definition Language

WSGT - White Sands (NASA) Ground Terminal

WS-I - Web Services Interoperability

WVTCS - Wideband Video Tape Conversion System

WWW - World Wide Web


XML - Extensible Markup Language

XS - Multispectral SPOT sensor

XSD - XML Schema Definition

XTX - X-Band Transmitter


YGC - Yaw Gyro Compassing

YSF - Yaw Steering Frame

YTD - Year-To-Date


Z - Zulu time (same as GMT)

ZB - Zettabyte

ZFS - Zettabyte File System

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Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm