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green ASA logo with pink azalea
We promote knowledge and appreciation of azaleas.
R. 'Cagle Nocturne' Schild Cumberland hybrid Azaleas are called "the royalty of the garden". Some of the species or the many thousands of named varieties are sure to meet your preferences and growing conditions.

Explore the links on the left to learn more about azaleas and the society.

Join the other caring and sharing members of the Azalea Society, devoted to promoting knowledge and use of these delightful and easy to grow flowering shrubs.
Rhododendron 'Cagle Nocturne', a Schild Cumberland hybrid deciduous azalea.

There are pictures of thousands of other azaleas, both evergreen and deciduous, at the Azalea Society picture website. If you know the name of the azalea you are interested in, you can use the Pictures link to find it, and see if we have a picture of it.

The Azalea Society offers membership to any one with an interest in azaleas, from home gardeners, collectors and students to plant professionals. Local chapters have social activities, garden tours, meetings and plant sales of unusual varieties. National conventions have garden tours, talks by well-known azalea authorities, plant sales, and the opportunities to make and renew friendships. The Azalean, our quarterly journal, has timely informative articles about azalea culture, hybridizing, propagation, garden design, new introductions and chapter activities.

This Azalea Society website is the source of information about azaleas. Find what you are interested in by clicking these links:

About the Azalea Society
  • About Us - the society goals, organization, officers, chapter contacts
  • Join Us - fill in the blanks to become a member of the Azalea Society
  • Conventions - learn about our annual meetings - great fun!

About azaleas
  • Azaleas - azalea types and colors, how to grow them and use them,
  • FAQs - answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about azaleas
  • Pictures - see the accepted spelling of azalea names, see pictures of many of them
  • Ask Us - send an e-mail to the azaleas discussion forum, to ask the "experts"
  • Archives - read past emails sent to the azaleas discussion forum
  • Sources - descriptions and contact information about azalea nurseries
  • Seed - our azalea seed exchange, to raise azaleas from seed

About other azalea things
  • Links - follow links to other azalea-related sites
  • Gardens - read about member gardens near you (in progress...)
  • Online Store - buy things adorned with the ASA logo
  • The Azalean - how to buy back issues of our journal, and how to advertise in it
  • Azalea City - how a municipality can be certified as an Azalea City

About this website
  • Site Map - quickly find the right page from this annotated list of pages
  • What's New - see current and past website developments

About the Search
  • type the text to find (on our website only) into the text box
  • click Go, to do the search and go to the first page of results
  - click a link on the results page to go to that linked page
  - to find the text there, choose Find from the Edit menu and type the text to find
  - to find the next instance on that page, choose Find Again from the Edit menu
  • click your browser Back button to return to the search results and/or our website

Our website is a work in progress. Most unfinished links and text end in . . .

We also invite you to subscribe to our free email forum to discuss azaleas, whether you are a member of the Azalea Society or not. To subscribe, and be able to participate in the email discussions, send an email (any subject, any text) to It will email directions to you.

 you can help
To participate in our website development, read on. You can help us set priorities for developing the pages named by the sidebar links, and to suggest other pages. You can also do some site testing, serve on the website committee, or take responsibility for one or more pages of the website.

First we need your opinions regarding the relative importance of the current and proposed pages, to guide us in setting development priorities. Tell us:
  • which pages you like or will use the most
  • which pages a casual visitor might be most interested in
  • what other pages would be of value to you and the general public
Then we need help testing these pages as they become available. Let us know, and we will contact you via email when they are ready to test.

To be the source of current azalea data, we need some members to "own" specific pages and be responsible for keeping them current, and to add information to some of the databases. While we can provide the tools, it is much more than a one-person job. This is your chance to help the Azalea Society in a BIG way, and ensure that our collective knowledge of our favorite plants is presented to the public in the most useful way possible.

Click the name to open an e-mail to Bob Stelloh, chairman of the ASA website committee. Tell us your opinions, and/or your area of interest and how you would like to be involved.

Updated October 11, 2007

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© Copyright 1999-2009 Azalea Society of America