Local Time in Kuwait : Print | E-mail Page

With offices across the United States and at U.S. Embassies and Consulates in 78 countries, including Kuwait City, Kuwait, the U.S. Commercial Service is the U.S. Government's largest trade promotion agency.   The U.S. Commercial Service in Kuwait is the primary contact for US exporters and Kuwaiti importers.

Please review our Doing Business in Kuwait section for insights into Kuwait’s business environment.

Services for U.S. Exporters include Market Intelligence, Market Promotion, Market Contacts, and USG Advocacy.

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Services for Kuwaiti firms include sourcing U.S. products and services and Join our official buyer missions to find US partners

How to Make the Most out of a Buying Trip

Feb 5-8: World of Concrete in Las Vegas
Feb 19: 28th American Business Council in Kuwait Anniversary Gala Dinner
Feb 21: FCPA Workshop at Ernst and Young’s Offices in Kuwait
Feb 28: Student Fair, Meet 21 US Universities to Study in the USA
Mar 19-21:  Kuwait Medical Tourism Conference & Exhibition
May 1-2: Access America’s Senior Commercial Officers for the Middle East
May 6-9: Offshore Technology Conference in Houston

Nov 5: Launch of The Cheesecake Factory in Kuwait City
Nov 22: Launch of 2013 Camaro and Corvette & 60th anniversary of Corvette
Dec 10: 200th Anniversary Celebration of Citi and 6th Anniversary in Kuwait
Dec 12: US Chamber of Commerce Leadership Visit to Kuwait
Jan 17: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Regulations Published
Jan-28-31: Arab Health Expo in Dubai
Feb 4: Student Fair, Meet 12 US Universities to Study in the USA

US embassy Education Graphic
Market Research Graphic
Market Contacts Graphic
Market Promotion Graphic
USG Advocacy Graphic