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Ambassador Patricia Newton Moller

Ambassador Patricia Newton Moller (State Dept)

After decades of authoritarian rule, the people of Guinea have managed to establish a democracy that has attracted the positive attention of the wider world. Guinea’s transition to democracy also represents a transition to a new era of economic opportunity, both for Guineans and their foreign investment partners. Blessed with rich mineral deposits, abundant water supplies, and fertile land, Guinea represents a wealth of possibility for exporters and investors with the vision to see the country’s full potential.  

As we know, we are all facing large-scale uncertainties in today’s global economy.  In this economic environment, some American firms might view emerging markets as too much of a risk.  However, it is my belief that a company not considering doing business in these markets is taking an even bigger gamble.  Emerging markets, like those in Guinea, are great opportunities for trade and growth.  Guinea will benefit from the presence of specific American products and services.  It will also benefit from new technologies, our know-how, and our business practices and corporate values. 

In these times, the more we can empower American businessmen and women to identify new opportunities, forge new partnerships, explore new markets and locate trade and project financing, the better off we will be. This was the thinking behind the launch of President Obama’s National Export Initiative, which seeks to marshal the full resources of the United States Government behind American businesses that sell their goods and services abroad.  

The Embassy’s Economic/Commercial section stands ready to provide expertise and assistance to American companies doing business in Guinea. Whether you are new to Guinea or already established, please contact our commercial specialists and arrange a meeting or conference call to see how we can work together to promote strong ties between Guinea and American business.

Contact Us

  • Embassy:Phone:(+224) 65 10 40 00

    Embassy: Fax: (+224) 65 10 42 97

    Economic/Commercial Officer
    Mr Brad Coley

    Economic/Commercial Assistant
    Ms Mahawa Camara

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