Health Technologies

Welcome to the International Healthcare Technologies webpage.

Healthcare is a steadily growing industry with an approximate value of $117.4 billion exported from the U.S. in 2011, which has risen almost 26% since 2007. With the recent rapid growth of emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China there exists a tremendous opportunity for U.S. companies to successfully expand into the international arena.

The Healthcare Team of the U.S. Commercial Service is dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. health industry, expanding its market access, and increasing exports. It accomplishes this through a variety of resources and services for U.S. companies such as Webinars, Gold Key and Platinum Key Services. The team, comprised of trade specialists from throughout the U.S. and from U.S. Embassies around the world, provides:

Market Intelligence

In-Depth Market Data and Statistics

Trade Counseling

Creating Market Entry Strategies

Business Matchmaking

Identifying and Evaluating potential partners

Regulations and Customs Navigation

Documentation Assistance

In addition to our many services, the Healthcare Team specializes in using both Domestic and International Trade Shows as turnkey events to help foster new business relationships and expand the international presence of U.S. firms by attracting country experts and international buyers.