
Jill Hruby

Vice President, VP of Energy, Nonproliferation & High Consequence Security and the International, Homeland & Nuclear Security Strategic Management Unit

Jill Hruby

Jill Hruby is the Vice President of the Energy, Nonproliferation and High-Consequence Security Division at Sandia National Laboratories, a multiprogram, science-based engineering laboratory located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With more than 1300 employees and contractors, Division 6000 supports Sandia’s Global Security of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Energy Systems and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Infrastructure and Mission Assurance, and Intersection Between the Earth and Engineered Environments capabilities.

Jill also leads Sandia’s International, Homeland, and Nuclear Security Strategic Management Unit (SMU). The SMU mission area includes nonproliferation and arms control; securing and safeguarding nuclear weapons and nuclear materials; protecting critical U.S. government assets and installation; and reducing the risks to our nation of terrorist threats and significant national incidents while maintaining and facilitating trade, travel and personal freedoms.

Jill started at Sandia in the early 1980s and following a short period working at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, she has been with the Labs for more than 25 years. She was most recently the Director of Homeland Security and Defense Systems (8100) at Sandia California. Jill also served as the Director for Materials and Engineering Sciences (8700), where she was responsible for materials research and development and microsystem fabrication and performance. During the course of her Sandia career, she was also actively engaged with nanoscience research, hydrogen storage, solar energy research, mechanical component design thermal analysis, and microfluidics.

Her bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering is from Purdue University and her master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering is from the University of California at Berkeley. Jill is a charter member of Sandia’s Executive Diversity Council.