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What’s Green, Energy Efficient, and More Fun than Kermit the Frog?

2012 August 14

By Larry Siegel

Answer: The Green Museum (aka The Brooklyn Children’s Museum)

There is a long history to the Brooklyn Children’s museum stretching back to 1823. Currently, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum is slated to be LEED certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program of the U.S. Green Building Council and will be New York’s first “green” museum.

Just a few of the various energy efficient features of the museum include:

Geothermal Heating and Cooling System utilizes Brooklyn′s underground aquifers and a series of heat pump air handlers to control the temperature of the building.

Solar Energy Photovoltaic Systems integrated into the building design provide electricity.

Energy-Saving Sensors control the performance of the heating and lighting systems.

Solar panels at the Brooklyn Children's Museum

The Museum estimates that these and other energy saving features reduce operating costs by $100,000 a year. But you can’t put a price tag on all the joy and educational experiences the museum brings to the community. Field trips, hands-on exhibits, etc., are all geared to provide children with a fun experience that will spark their imagination and engage their minds in exciting ways while learning about the environment and science. Workshops for teachers enhance their abilities to educate and excite children in a fun way.

The museum boasts a collection of over 30,000 objects that are used to educate visitors about people and places from around the world. And there is even the option to purchase one (or more) of the 20 portable collection kits the museum offers on curriculum topics in culture and natural science that can be used by educators to bring the museum experience into the classroom. Included in the kits are such items as artifacts, specimens, photographs, DVDs, a teacher’s guide and more.

To learn more about the Brooklyn Children’s Museum go to their website.

About the Author: Larry Siegel has worked as a writer of corporate policies and procedures and as a technical writer. He currently works as a Pesticide Community Outreach Specialist for the Pesticide and Toxic Substances Branch in Edison, NJ

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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