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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2012
Thinking About Corrections


From the Bureau of Justice Statistics, this Data Collection Profile highlights results fromPREA Data five surveys on the topic of sexual victimization, assault, and violence.  The featured survey is the National Former Prisoner Survey (NFPS) released in May 2012. It provides the “first-ever national estimates of the prevalence of sexual victimization based on reports of former state prison inmates”.  Also contained in the Profile are the latest data from the National Survey of Youth in Custody (NSYC), National Inmate Survey (NIS), Survey of Sexual Violence (SSV), and the Clinical Indicators of Sexual Violence in Custody (CISVC).

View the entire PREA Data Collection Profile here

For additional resources see NIC's PREA Project webpage

Posted Thu, Sep 13 2012 12:43 PM by Susan Powell
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