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Crop Biosecurity and Emergency Management


APHIS’ Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program safeguards U.S. agriculture and natural resources from the introduction, establishment, and spread of plant pests and noxious weeds.

PPQ’s Emergency and Domestic Programs (EDP) unit provides national leadership and coordination in crop biosecurity and emergency management. As the lead Federal agency for plant health emergencies, PPQ works cooperatively with national and international plant protection organizations; Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies; universities; industries; and private entities in developing and implementing science-based framework designed to provide optimum protection against invasive pests and diseases.

The National Plant Health Emergency Management Framework is a comprehensive, systematic approach to describe how PPQ and its cooperators respond to plant health and homeland security emergencies. The Framework describes the roles and responsibilities of PPQ Program Managers at the headquarters, regions, and State levels in PPQ and the Center for Plant Health Science and Technology and State plant protection agencies in the 48 contiguous States, Hawaii, and Alaska, U.S. Territories and Commonwealth, and Tribes. Lastly, the framework also describes the roles and responsibilities of the interrelated components of PPQ’s safeguarding system, including preparedness, pest exclusion, response, and recovery elements.

The Emergency Response Manual provides the guidance for emergency responders when following the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage a threat to plant health and natural resources. PPQ has devised a system based on past experience and best practices to achieve a quick, concise response to all plant health incidents. The Manual describes how ICS is used to develop and organize a response; instructions for assigning specific responsibilities within the Command and General staff; pertinent authorities related to plant health emergencies; and lists of necessary activities for onsite incident management..

Prevention: PPQ works with trading partners and international plant protection organizations to develop and implement early detection and control strategies designed to prevent the entry of invasive pests and diseases into the U.S. In addition, PPQ partners with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to ensure the continued success of agricultural inspection operations at all U.S. ports of entry. PPQ prevention activities include:

PPQ works with Federal agencies, State and local governments, and industries to prepare, build, and sustain operational capacity and capability including early detection, timely diagnostics, and effective control strategies against plant health threats and incursions. PPQ preparedness activities include:

PPQ works with Federal agencies, State, tribes, and local governments, and industries to implement coordinated actions designed to contain, control, or eradicate plant pests and diseases. PPQ uses the Incident Command System (ICS), which provides responding agencies and entities a unified strategy for working together in response to plant health emergencies.

After an emergency response is complete, PPQ works with Federal agencies; State, tribes, and local governments; and the private sector to develop and implement systems designed to provide long-term stability and protection from the pest or disease that caused the emergency. Recovery includes plant health regulations, eradication, best management practices, and restoration plans.

Wayne Burnett, Acting
Director of Emergency Management
Telephone: 301-851-2272
E-mail: Wayne.D.Burnett@aphis.usda.gov

Last Modified: March 26, 2012

PPQ Stakeholder Registry