


  1. J Bernabe says:

    I’m really pleased to see how Big Data is not left behind in a social media camp! For me, the real value inherent in the social media world is going to be unlocked by Big Data! In each and every communication piece between two people, there is intelligence… Big Data is going to be the key to really exploit it
    BTW: great way of integrating the twits in your post!

    1. Justin Herman says:

      Thanks J Bernabe,

      Big Data has a home where ever people are thinking about the next step in improving Federal information technology. Thanks for your input and keep sharing with us your ideas!

  2. Boston Limo says:

    Love your article …..Here’s what we do know: The government has implanted monitor accounts in multiple forms of social media including top sites Facebook, Twitter, and Wikileaks but the full list of monitored sites is unknown. The privacy and civil rights ethics of this is obviously questionable but in light of the SOPA/FIPA backlash and controversy it seems we’ve reached a double edged sword. If the internet is free to access the way that it is then we must also allow the ability to monitor sites. It’s not just the government with the ability to do this but really anyone with a computer and internet access. Saying the government can’t do this is directly contradicting our belief in the freedom of the web. So which is worse, too much information or not enough?

    By boston limo Services

  3. Stefanie says:

    State and municipal government employees need this too! I hope future camps will be open beyond the local fed audience – it sounds like there’s information and sharing here that all of us working on government social media could benefit from.

    Archived webinars, please?

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