Workshop on Neutron Spin
Echo Spectroscopy 2009

November 4 - 5, 2009 • Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Oak Ridge, TN, USA

Preliminary Agenda and Important Deadlines

Important Deadlines

  • September 21: Abstract submission for contributed papers and posters
  • October 16: Notification of acceptance of contributed papers and posters
  • October 14: Registration closes

Preliminary Agenda (PDF)

Wednesday November 4, 2009
8:00 am Registration opens; Pick up at hotel for Bus to SNS*. 
9:30 am Welcome
Dr. Thom Mason, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
9:45 am Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy: History and Outlook
Dr. Ferenc Mezei, Los Alamos National Laboratory
10:15 am Break
10:30 Inauguration Ceremony            Session Chair: Dr. James Roberto
(10:30) Dr. Thom Mason, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(10:35) Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph, Federal Ministry of Education and                       Research, Germany
(10:45) Dr. Steve Koonin, U. S. Department of Energy
(10:55) Dr. Sebastian Schmidt, Forschungszentrum Jülich
(11:05) Panel Discussion chaired by Dr. James Roberto
  • Dr. Ian Anderson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Richter, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
  • Dr. Michael Ohl, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
  • Dr. Jeremy Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(11:30) Photo Opportunity
12:00 Noon Lunch with discussions; tables arranged by interest area
1:00 pm Neutron Spin Echo at SNS
Michael Ohl, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
1:30 pm Biophysics                                 Session chair: Dr. Kenneth Herwig
(1:30) Dr. Jeremy Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(1:55) Dr. Ralph Biehl, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
(2:20) Dr. Maikel Rheinstadter, McMaster University
(2:45) Dr. Jyotsana Lal, Argonne National Laboratory
(3:05) Questions
3:20 pm Coffee break
3:50 pm Complex Fluids                   Session chair: Michael Monkenbusch
(3:50) Dr. Sow Hsin Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(4:20) Dr. Eugene Mamontov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(4:45) Dr. Dobrin Bossev, Indiana University  
(5:10) Dr. Wei-Ren Chen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(5:30) Dr. Antonio Faraone, National Institute of Standards and Technology
(5:50) Questions
6:00 pm Adjourn, Bus returns to Hotel
7:15 pm Bus departs Hotel for Flatwater Grill*
7:30 pm Conference Dinner
Flatwater Grill, 100 Melton Lake Peninsula, Oak Ridge, TN
Dr. Dean Myles, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thursday, November 5, 2009
7:45 am Bus departs Hotel*
8:00 am Registration
8:30 am Polymer Dynamics                    Session chair: Dr. Gregory Smith
(8:30) Dr. Toshi Kanaya, Kyoto University
(8:55) Dr. Arantxa Arbe, University of Basque Country
(9:20) Dr. Alexei Sokolov, University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(9:45) Dr. Simon Mochrie, Yale University
(10:05) Dr. Michaela Zamponi, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
(10:25) Dr. Jörg Stellbrink, FZ-Jülich
(10:45) Questions
11:00 am Poster Session, Lunch and Discussions Continue
1:00 pm Tours of SNS - NSE and Break; Meet in Lobby
3:00 pm New Directions and Trends            Session chair: Dr. Georg Ehlers
(3:00) Dr. Michael Kilbey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(3:25) Dr. Norman Wagner, University of Delaware
(3:50) Dr. Katia Pappas, Delft University of Technology
(4:15) Dr. Yi Liu, California Institute of Technology
(4:40) Dr. Olaf Holderer, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
(5:00) Dr. Masahiro Hino, Kyoto University
(5:20) Questions
5:35 pm Present status and future perspective  
Dr. Michael Monkenbusch, Jülich Center for Neutron Science
6:00 pm Workshop concludes; Bus departs for Hotel

* Bus has 30-person capacity. 

