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Institute of Education Sciences

IES Centers
Small Business Innovation Research

FY 2013 Program Information and Deadlines

IES SBIR Fiscal Year 2013 Program Solicitations Are Now Open

Through its annual competition, the Institute's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program provides funding to firms and partners for the development and evaluation of commercially viable education technology products. On December 20, 2012, the program released three Fiscal Year 2013 solicitations.

Phase I: Solicitation #ED-IES-13-R-0007 is a request for Phase I proposals for awards up to $150,000 for the development of prototypes of education technology products to improve student learning in education and special education settings. Click here (for this solicitation. The due date and time for the receipt of proposals is 2 P.M. EST on February 5, 2013.

Fast-Track: Solicitation #ED-IES-13-R-0006 is a request for Fast-Track (Phase I & II) proposals for awards up to $1,050,000 for development of education technology products designed to improve student learning in education and special education settings. Note: In order to apply for Fast-Track funding, applicants must submit both (1) a full SBIR Phase I proposal and (2) a Fast-Track proposal. SBIR Fast-Track proposals that are submitted without a full Phase I proposal will not be evaluated. Click here for this Fast-Track solicitation. The due date and time for the receipt of proposals is 2 P.M. EST on February 5, 2013.

Phase I for Games: Solicitation #ED-IES-13-R-0008 is a solicitation released by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in partnership with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The solicitation requests proposals for the development and evaluation of commercially viable education technology games in select topic areas to support student learning and outcomes in education and special education settings. The four (4) topics within the solicitation include: (1) games for statistics and probability learning (IES topic); (2) games to support English learners (IES topic); (3) neuroplastic games for improving foreign language learning (DARPA topic); and (4) hybrid videogames/graphic novels to support computer science learning (DARPA topic). Click here for this Phase I solicitation. The due date and time for the receipt of proposals is 2 P.M. EST on February 5, 2013.

For more information about the Institute's SBIR program, visit the program website.