Preparing Reports


The type and frequency of reports to be submitted are specified in each Agreement.

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements specified in each award may jeopardize the Recipient's eligibility for future awards.

Reports should be submitted to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Grants Division. The Agreement number should be referenced in all correspondence. Recipient's must EITHER submit two hard copies of each report to the address below, OR submit an electronic copy of each report to (PLEASE NOTE: this mailbox is limited to receive emails 29MB or smaller).

Grants Division
U.S. Department of State, SA-5
2200 C Street, N.W., Floor C2
Washington, D.C. 20522 – 0582

If the Recipient chooses to submit an electronic copy, there must be a signature on all financial reports. Recipients that don't have the means to submit a signature (usually via a .pdf), hard copies of the financial reports must be submitted instead. Please submit reports through one delivery method only -- either hard copy OR electronic copy.

The SF-272 (Federal Cash Transactions Report) does not meet the reporting requirements for ECA awards.

When submitting reports:

  • Ensure that your Department of State agreement number is either on the first page of the report or in your cover letter accompanying the report.
  • Example: Agreements issued prior to October 1, 1999 - "IA-AEFA-G9190012"
  • Example: Agreements issued after October 1, 1999 - "IVFA-0001"
  • Example: Agreements issued after September 30, 2001 - "S-ECAPE-02-GR-001 (FA)"
  • Identify the report as appropriate, "Interim" or "Final" report.
  • Ensure that financial report(s) contain the amount of cost sharing contributed to the project, the necessary certification statement and the signature of the authorized certifying official.

CERTIFICATION: "I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete and that all outlays and unliquidated obligations are for the purposes set forth in the award documents."

All international travel charged to Agreements must be on an American flag carrier. If travel was on a foreign flag carrier, a statement justifying the use of a foreign flag carrier, which meets one of the exceptions cited in the "Fly America Act", must be included with the financial report. (See "Terms and Conditions for the Administration of United States Department of State Assistance Awards" (Rev. 9/99). Travel on foreign flag carrier, which does not meet one of the exceptions of the Act, will be disallowed.

  • When submitting final financial reports, return all unexpended funds with the final report.
  • If your organization is reimbursed by SF-270, return unexpended funds by check made payable to the DOS.
  • If your organization is on PMS, return unexpended funds to HHS. Send DOS a copy of the return.
  • If your organization is on PMS, ensure that your account is reconciled for proper closeout.

Contact Us

Grants Division
U.S. Department of State
2200 C Street, NW, Floor C2
Washington, DC 20522-0582
Tel: (202) 632-6000
Fax: (202) 632-6475