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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Aleutian Ilands coral garden, photo: Bob Stone

Habitat Conservation Division - Hydropower Program

Hydrokinetic Energy Projects

ORPC's Beta TidGen™ Power System ORPC's Beta TidGen™ Power System. Photo: ORPC

Hydrokinetic power projects are similar to traditional hydropower projects but rather than storing, controlling or diverting the flow of water to take advantage of hydraulic head (potential energy), hydrokinetic projects use the density of water and harness kinetic energy from its motion. This motion includes waves, flowing rivers, and tides. Hydrokinetic power has limitations similar to run-of-river hydropower projects: the kinetic energy harnessed is dependent upon the kinetic energy available during tide cycles, wave periods, and river flows. Hydrokinetic projects in Alaska are currently at the pilot project development level for tidal projects and in-river hydrokinetic projects, though some wave projects have been investigated. NMFS's Habitat Conservation Division tracks the development of hydrokinetic projects and advises applicable agencies on ways to minimize adverse effects to anadromous and marine fish and marine mammals.

Alaska Hydrokinetic Projects:

Project Information

Yukon River hydrokinetic turbine near Ruby Yukon River hydrokinetic turbine near Ruby. Photo: Yukon River Inter-tribal Watershed Council


  • Tanana River-Whitestone (P-13305)


ORPC's Beta TidGen™ Power System on morring ORPC's Beta TidGen™ Power System on a mooring. Photo: ORPC

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