Charts and Grids

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AG - Automated Gateway

Consists of one or more automatically controlled vehicles operating on an exclusive guideway.

CR - Commuter Rail

Urban passenger train service for local short distance travel between a central city and suburbs. Commuter rail does not include heavy rail or light rail service. Service of a predominantly intercity nature is excluded, except where a local portion is operated under public agency contract for commuter purposes.

DR - Demand Response

Personal transit service operated on roadways providing service on demand. Vehicles are normally dispatched, and used exclusively for this service.

HR - Heavy Rail (Rapid Transit)

Transit service using rail cars powered by electricity which is usually drawn from a third rail and usually operated on exclusive rights-of-way. It generally uses longer trains and has longer spacing between stations than light rail.

LR - Light Rail (Streetcar)

Urban transit which uses predominantly reserved but not always grade-separated rights-of-way. Electrically powered rail vehicles operate alone or in trains.

MB - Motor Bus

Rubber-tired passenger vehicles that operate on roadways. Motor bus service implies fixed routes and schedules. SAMIS presents motor bus data in three categories. This is done to reflect the differences in operating environments and traffic mix, and to allow meaningful comparison between the motor buses and other transit modes. The categories in TSASS are determined by the size of an agency's fleet. They are: LMB - Large Motor Bus, more than 500 buses. MMB - Medium Motor Bus, between 100 and 500 buses. SMB - Small Motor Bus, fewer than 100 buses.

VP - Vanpool

Public-sponsored commuter service operating under prearranged schedules for pre-formed groups of riders in 8- to 18-seat vehicles. Drivers are also commuters who receive little or no compensation besides free transportation and use of the vehicle during off-hours.