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PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                                            Los Derechos del Paciente

The patients, their families and the health care providers must become key members of the team responsible for providing the best possible care and are the cornerstones of a successful patient and family centered care approach.

Patient rights and Responsibilities are promoted by all Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center (DDEAMC) and USA Dental Activity (DENTAC) personnel and are an integral part of the healing process. Providing quality healthcare is a complex task requiring close cooperation between all parties. (Please note that child and adolescent patients will be represented by their parents and/or guardians as required by Georgia law. A joint effort between parents and/or guardians and the facility staff should ensure that these patients have the same rights and responsibilities exercised by their parents or other legal representatives.) All patients have the right to include their family members in their medical care decisions.


MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE: Patients have the right to quality care and treatment consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards. Patients also have the right to participate in the planning of medical treatment, including the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and government regulations and to be informed of the consequences of their refusal, even if the treatment is life-sustaining.

PAIN MANAGEMENT: Patient 's right to pain management is respected and supported by the staff when receiving medical care at DDEAMC and DENTAC. We are committed to educate patients on pain prevention and management. We will respond to the needs of those patients presenting with pain.

ADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVES: Patients have the right, as permitted by law, to formulate advance medical directives, which may include living wills, durable powers of attorney or similar documents portraying their preference. Such documents enable staff and physicians at DDEAMC to carry out a patient's treatment preferences, should the patient become incapable of making such decisions. More information is available from the Center Judge Advocate (706)787-4097.

RESPECTFUL TREATMENT: Patients have the right to considerate and respectful care, with recognition of their personal dignity and consideration of the psychological, spiritual and cultural variables that influence their perception of illness. A chaperone will be provided upon request.

PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Patients have the right, within the law and military regulations, to privacy and confidentiality concerning medical care. Patients, or their legally designated representatives, have access to the information contained in the medical record, within the limits of the law. For more information, please refer to the Military Health Systems Notice of Privacy Practices. This brochure can be obtained at the Patient Advocacy Office and in all outpatient clinics.

IDENTITY: Patients have the right to know at all times the identity, professional status and professional credentials of healthcare personnel, as well as the names of the healthcare providers primarily responsible for their care.

EXPLANATION OF CARE: Patients have the right to an explanation concerning their diagnosis, treatment, procedures and prognosis of illness in terms that the patient can be expected to understand. When it is not medically advisable to give such information to patients, the information should be provided to appropriate family members or to another appropriate person in their absence.

TRANSLATORS: DDEAMC provides interpretation (including translation) services as necessary. Every possible effort will be made to provide a sign language translator. Patients have the right to have their visual, speech, hearing, language and cognitive impairments addressed.

INFORMED CONSENT: Patients have the right to be provided, in non-clinical terms, information needed in order to make knowledgeable decisions regarding consent or refusal for treatment. Such information should include significant complications, risks, benefits and alternative treatments available.

RESEARCH PROJECTS: Patients have the right to be advised if the facility proposes to engage in or perform research associated with their care or treatment. Patients have the right to refuse to participate in any research project.

SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Patients have the right to care and treatment in a safe environment.

CHARGES: Patients have the right to an explanation of charges related to their healthcare.

DDEAMC AND DENTAC RULES AND REGULATIONS: Patients have the right to be informed of the facility 's rules and regulations pertinent to patient and visitor conduct. Patients will be informed of smoking rules and can expect compliance with those rules from other individuals.

MINISTRY AND PASTORAL CARE: Patients have the right to information about the ministrations of the Church in pastoral care during hospitalization (706)787-6667.

RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS: Patients are entitled to information about the healthcare facility 's mechanism for the initiation, review and resolution of patient complaints.


PROVIDING INFORMATION: Patients have the responsibility to provide, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, their advance medical directives and other matters relating to their health. Patients have the responsibility to let their healthcare providers know whether they understand the treatment and what is expected of them.

PAIN MANAGEMENT: Patients and/or their family members have the responsibility to ask the healthcare providers what to expect regarding their pain management and to participate in the discussions and decisions. Patients should ask for pain relief when the pain first begins and notify the healthcare provider if the pain is not relieved; share the concerns.

RESPECT AND CONSIDERATION: Patients have the responsibility to be considerate of the rights of other patients and of DDEAMC/DENTAC health facility personnel, and to assist in the control of noise, smoking and the number of visitors. Patients are expected to respect the property of other persons and of the facility.

COMPLIANCE WITH MEDICAL CARE: Patients have the responsibility to comply with the medical and nursing treatment plan, including follow-up care recommended by healthcare providers. This includes being on time for appointments and notifying DDEAMC or DENTAC when appointments cannot be kept.

MEDICAL RECORDS: Patients have the responsibility to ensure that medical records pertaining to them and their family members are retained in the medical facility for appropriate filing and maintenance. All medical records documenting care provided by DDEAMC or DENTAC are the property of the U.S. Government. Copies of medical information may be requested to the Correspondence Section at (706)787-3365.

DDEAMC AND DENTAC RULES AND REGULATIONS: Patients have the responsibility to help healthcare facility Commanders provide the best possible care to all beneficiaries. Patients are expected to follow the rules and regulations addressing patient conduct. Regulations regarding smoking should be followed by all patients.

CHARGES: Patients have the responsibility for the prompt payment of all charges related to their healthcare.

REPORTING OF PATIENT COMPLAINTS: Patients are encouraged to discuss their medical treatment concerns with the healthcare provider or the healthcare management team. If resolution does not occur, the patients or family members should discuss it with the Patient Advocate or the Inspector General. These officers have access to all areas and will assist to resolve the situation. Patients should be assured that this action will in no way compromise nor diminish their medical care. Administrative concerns can be addressed with the area Head Nurse or the Noncommissioned Officer-in-Charge (NCOIC). Patients ' recommendations, questions or suggestions should be directed to the Patient Advocacy Office, who will appropriately address those issues (706)787-4656/7820. After duty hours, the Administrative Officer of the Day, (706)787-5811, will receive calls and refer them to appropriate offices.


TRICARE On-line (TOL) links you and your family to healthcare services, resources, and information through a secure Internet environment. Go to www.tricare.mil to register and schedule primary care appointments today.

At the time of admission to DDEAMC, please bring your advance medical directive, when available.

In most cases, the TRICARE Prime option allows for the best management of healthcare at the lowest out of pocket expense. TRICARE Prime also requires less paperwork and a greater awareness and opportunity for patients to participate in prevention and wellness programs.

TRICARE briefings, information packets, and educational materials are available through the TRICARE Service Center, 1(800) 444-5445, and the Beneficiary Services Section, (706) 787-6261, located on the second floor of the Medical Center. Enrollment in TRICARE Prime guarantees ease of access at DDEAMC. We will be pleased to assist you in the above offices.

DDEAMC and DENTAC are teaching institutions primarily affiliated with the Medical College of Georgia, the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

Again, DDEAMC/DENTAC encourages patients to "Speak Up" about their medical care or treatment, especially if they have questions or concerns, and if they do not understand something. Patients are encouraged to take a role in preventing healthcare errors by becoming active, involved, and informed participants on the healthcare team.


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Eisenhower Information

Beneficiary Services

Legal Assistance

(706) 814-4768 / 955-6867

Patient Advocacy Office

Chaplain 's Office

Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center

"Caring from the Heart"

For Medical Center Information
Call: (706) 787-5811

Send Mail To:

Eisenhower Army Medical Center
ATTN: Public Affairs Officer,
Building 300, Hospital Road
Fort Gordon, GA 30905
