United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Co-Occurring Problems


Co-Occurring Problems

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Where to Get Help for PTSD

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PTSD often co-occurs with other mental health problems, such as depression, substance abuse, and TBI. Below learn more about treating these co-occurring conditions. VA Providers can also see the provider section of VA Mental Health website.


Substance Use Disorders (SUD)

Traumatic Brain Injury

Other Reactions to Trauma

  • Anger, Aggression and PTSD
    This PTSD 101 online course provides an overview of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for anger and PTSD, including a review of the prevalence of anger and aggression in patients with PTSD.
  • Moral Injury in the Context of War
    Describes moral injury and its aftermath in the context of war. Explains the relationship between moral injury and PTSD and presents treatment implications.
  • Traumatic Grief: Symptomatology and Treatment for the Iraq War Veteran
    Describes traumatic grief and distinguishes between normal and pathological grief. Discusses the assessment and treatment of acute and complicated grief in returning Iraq war veterans.
  • Managing Grief after Disaster
    Clinical advice regarding managing grief after a disaster, including addressing traumatic grief, complications of bereavement, and risk factors.

Physical Health Conditions

  • PTSD and Physical Health
    Provides information on the relationships between trauma, PTSD, and physical health; specific health problems associated with PTSD; health-risk behaviors and PTSD, and more.
  • Physical Health Effects
    This PTSD 101 course discusses research findings from both civilian and military populations illustrating how a person's reaction mediates the effect of exposure.
  • The Experience of Chronic Pain and PTSD: A Guide for Health Care Providers
    Discusses chronic pain and how it may be related to trauma and PTSD. Includes recommendations for health care providers on handling chronic pain and assessing for trauma.
  • PTSD and Chronic Pain
    This PTSD 101 online course describes in detail the interaction between PTSD symptoms and chronic pain, with a special focus on Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. Reviews the VA/DoD 2010 guideline recommendations for treating pain and PTSD and discusses useful treatment approaches.

Sleep Problems

  • Sleep Problems, Insomnia, and PTSD
    This PTSD 101 online course reviews the VA/DoD 2010 clinical practice guideline recommendations for treating sleep problems, insomnia, and PTSD. Describes general treatment approach as well as evidence-based pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy interventions.
  • Nightmares and PTSD: Research Review
    Provides information on prevalence and characteristics of posttraumatic nightmares, cultural issues, and effective treatments.

Date Created: See last Reviewed/Updated Date below.