United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Mental Health


Partnering with VA
Group of male Soldiers on patrol.
Military background is not always assessed by clinicians or spontaneously shared by Veteran clients. Asking if the individual in your office has served in the military is simple, quick, and can have important implications for available benefits and care.
Has your client served in the military?

It is important to remember that:

  • Assessing Veteran status is not something that is commonly included in traditional behavioral health screenings.
  • Veterans and Service Members may not self-identify as such to the clinician.

Screening for military service will:

  • Ensure that each Veteran will have the opportunity to access the network of healthcare and support services for which he or she may be eligible.
  • Inform treatment planning.
  • Increase awareness of the extraordinary strengths that Veterans often possess and unique challenges that they may face.
" Armed with a deeper understanding of their experience and the right tools to help, we can ensure that Veterans receive the best possible care. "