United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Mental Health

Military Culture – Resources

Navy men
Understanding the Military Experience
Learn More: Military Culture Resources

Below are a number of additional trainings and handouts that are available online. We encourage you to explore these and to continue to learn more about the military experience.

Online Training

The National Center for PTSD provides a free 1 hour online training course in military culture for clinicians. The goals and objectives of the training are the following: 1) describe military terms and demographics, 2) discuss stressors in the military, 3) report programs offered by DoD relevant to combat and operational stress, and 4) describe implications of military culture for clinicians. Continuing Education (CE) credits are also offered.

The Center for Deployment Psychology also offers a free online training course in military cultural competence. Continuing Education is available (at cost). It is intended to assist civilian mental health providers in better understanding, communicating and effectively interacting with Service members and their families.

The DoDs After Deployment website provides additional online training courses on working with special populations (for example, cross-cultural considerations). These trainings also offer continuing education (CE) credits.

Additional Handouts

The Real Warriors website provides handouts for health professionals on military culture and combat stress.

US Military Branch Websites

Resources for Specific Veteran Groups

The Iraq War Clinician Guide was developed by the National Center for PTSD and the Department of Defense. Developed for clinicians, the guide addresses the unique needs of Veterans of the Iraq war.

For additional information and courses related to military families and deployment, see the Center for Deployment website.