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Subject: E23) What is the complete list of continental U.S. landfalling hurricanes?

Contributed by Chris Landsea

Chronological List of All Hurricanes which Affected the Continental United States
Year Month States Affected and Category by States Highest Saffir-Simpson Category (U.S.) Central Pressure Maximum Winds Name
1851JunTX, C1197780-----
1851AugFL, NW3; GA, 13960100?Great Middle Florida?
1852AugFL, SW1197780-----
1852AugAL, 3; MS, 3; LA, 2; FL, NW13961100?Great Mobile?
1852SepFL, SW1198570-----
1852OctFL, NW2; GA, 1296990?Middle Florida?
1853Oct *GA, 1196570-----
1854JunTX, S1198570-----
1854SepGA, 3; SC, 2; FL, NE13950100?Great Carolina?
1854SepTX, C2296990?Matagorda?
1855SepLA, 3; MS, 33950110?Middle Gulf Shore?
1856AugLA, 44934130?Last Island?
1856AugFL, NW2; AL, 1; GA, 1296990?Southeastern States?
1857Sep &NC, 1196180-----
1858SepNY, 1; CT, 1; RI, 1; MA, 1197680?New England?
1859SepAL, 1; FL, NW1198570-----
1860AugLA, 3; MS, 3; AL, 23950110-----
1860 SepLA, 2; MS, 2; AL, 1296990-----
1860OctLA, 2296990-----
1861Aug *FL, SW1197070?Key West?
1861SepNC, 1198570?Equinoctial?
1861NovNC, 1198570?Expedition?
1865SepLA, 2; TX, N1296990?Sabine River-Lake Calcasieu?
1865OctFL, SW2; FL, SE1296990-----
1866JulTX, C2296990-----
1867JunSC, 1198570-----
1867OctLA, 2; TX, S1, N1; FL, NW1296990?Galveston?
1869AugTX, C2296990?Lower Texas Coast?
1869SepLA, 1198570-----
1869SepRI, 3; MA, 3; NY, 1; CT, 13963100?Eastern New England?
1869Oct &ME, 2; MA, 1296590?Saxby?s Gale?
1870JulAL, 1198570?Mobile?
1870Oct *FL, SW1, SE1197070?Twin Key West (I)?
1870OctFL, SW1197780?Twin Key West (II)?
1871AugFL, SE3, NE1, NW13955100-----
1871AugFL, SE2, NE1296590-----
1871SepFL, NW1198570-----
1873SepFL, NW1198570-----
1873OctFL, SW3, SE2, NE13959100-----
1874SepFL, NW1; SC, 1; NC, 1198570-----
1875SepTX, C3, S23960100-----
1876SepNC, 1; VA, 1198080-----
1876OctFL, SW2, SE1297390-----
1877SepLA, 1; FL, NW1198570-----
1877OctFL, NW3; GA, 13960100-----
1878SepFL, SW2, NE1; SC, 1; GA, 1297090-----
1878OctNC, 2; VA, 1; MD, 1; DE, 1;NJ, 1; PA, 1296390-----
1879AugNC, 3; VA, 23971100-----
1879AugTX, N2; LA, 2296490-----
1879SepLA, 33950110-----
1880Aug #TX, S33931110-----
1880AugFL, SE2, NE1, NW1297290-----
1880SepNC, 1198770-----
1880OctFL, NW1198570-----
1881AugGA, 2; SC, 1297090-----
1881SepNC, 2297590-----
1882SepFL, NW3; AL, 13949100-----
1882SepLA, 2; TX, N1296990-----
1882OctFL, NW1198570-----
1883SepNC, 2; SC, 1296590-----
1885AugSC, 3; NC, 2; GA, 1; FL, NE13953100-----
1886JunTX, N2; LA, 2297385-----
1886JunFL, NW2; GA, 1297385-----
1886JunFL, NW2297385-----
1886JulFL, NW1198570-----
1886AugTX, C44925135?Indianola?
1886Sep #TX, S1, C1197380-----
1886OctLA, 3; TX, N23955105-----
1887JulFL, NW1198175-----
1887Aug *NC, 1194665-----
1887SepTX, S2297385-----
1887OctLA, 1198175-----
1888JunTX, C1198570-----
1888AugFL, SE3, SW1; LA23945110-----
1888Sep &MA, TSTS98555-----
1888OctFL, NW2, NE1297095-----
1889SepLA, 1198570-----
1891JulTX, C1, N1197780-----
1891AugFL, SE1198570-----
1893AugNY, 1; VA, 1198675?Midnight Storm?
1893AugGA, 3; SC, 3; NC, 1; FL, NE13954100?Sea Islands?
1893SepLA, 2297385-----
1893OctLA, 4; MS, 2; AL, 24948115?Chenier Caminanda?
1893OctSC, 3; NC, 2; VA, 13955105-----
1894SepFL, SW2, NE1; SC, 1; VA, 1297590-----
1894OctFL, NW3; GA, 1; NY, 1; RI, 13955105-----
1895Aug #TX, S1197365-----
1896JulFL, NW2297385-----
1896SepRI, 1; MA, 1198570-----
1896SepFL, NW3, NE3; GA, 2; SC, 1; NC, 1; VA, 1 3960110-----
1897SepLA, 1; TX, N1198175-----
1898AugFL, NW1198570-----
1898AugGA, 1; SC, 1198075-----
1898OctGA, 4; FL, NE24938115-----
1899AugFL, NW2297985-----
1899AugNC, 33945105-----
1899OctNC, 2; SC, 2295595-----
1900SepTX, N44936125?Galveston?
1901JulNC, 1198370-----
1901AugLA, 1; MS, 1; AL, 1197380-----
1903SepFL, SE1, NW1197680-----
1903SepNJ, 1; DE, 1199070-----
1904SepSC, 1198570-----
1904OctFL, SE1198570-----
1906JunFL, SW1, SE1197975-----
1906SepSC, 1; NC, 1197780-----
1906SepMS, 2; AL, 2; FL, NW2; LA, 1295895-----
1906OctFL, SW3, SE33953105-----
1908May &NC, TSTS98955-----
1908JulNC, 1198570-----
1909JunTX, S2297285-----
1909JulTX, N33959100?Velasco?
1909Aug #TX, S1195565-----
1909SepLA, 3; MS, 23952105?Grand Isle?
1909OctFL, SW3, SE33957100-----
1910SepTX, S2296595-----
1910OctFL, SW2295595-----
1911 Aug FL, NW1; AL,1 1985 70 -----
1911 Aug SC, 2; GA, 1 2972 85 -----
1912 Sep AL, 1; FL, NW1 1988 65 -----
1912 Oct TX, S2 2973 85 -----
1913 Jun TX, S1 1988 65 -----
1913 Sep NC, 1 1976 75 -----
1913 Oct SC, 1 1989 65 -----
1915AugTX, N44945-----?Galveston?
1915SepFL, NW11988----------
1915SepLA, 44931-----?New Orleans?
1916JulMS, 3; AL, 33948----------
1916JulMA, 11---------------
1916JulSC, 11980----------
1916AugTX, S33948----------
1916OctAL, 2; FL, NW22972----------
1916NovFL, SW11---------------
1917SepFL, NW33958----------
1918AugLA, 33955----------
1919SepFL, SW4; TX, S44927----------
1920SepLA, 22975----------
1920SepNC, 11---------------
1921JunTX, C22979----------
1921OctFL, SW3, NE23952-----?Tampa Bay?
1923OctLA, 11985----------
1924SepFL, NW11985----------
1924OctFL, SW11980----------
1925No-DeFL, SW11---------------
1926JulFL, NE22967----------
1926AugLA, 33955----------
1926SepFL, SE4, SW3, NW3; AL, 34935-----?Great Miami?
1928AugFL, SE22---------------
1928SepFL, SE4, NE2; GA, 1; SC, 14929-----?Lake Okeechobee?
1929JunTX, C11982----------
1929SepFL, SE3, NW23948----------
1932AugTX, N44941-----?Freeport?
1932SepAL, 11979----------
1933July-AugTX, S2; FL, SE12975----------
1933AugNC, 2; VA, 22971----------
1933SepTX, S33949----------
1933SepFL, SE33948----------
1933SepNC, 33957----------
1934JunLA, 33962----------
1934JulTX, S22975----------
1935SepFL, SW5, NW25892-----?Labor Day?
1935NovFL, SE22973----------
1936JunTX, S11987----------
1936JulFL, NW33964----------
1936SepNC, 22---------------
1938AugLA, 11985----------
1938SepNY, 3; CT, 3; RI, 3; MA, 33946-----?New England?
1939AugFL, SE1, NW11985----------
1940AugTX, N2; LA, 22972----------
1940AugGA, 2; SC, 22970----------
1941SepTX, N33958----------
1941OctFL, SE2, SW2, NW22975----------
1942AugTX, N11992----------
1942AugTX, C33950----------
1943JulTX, N22969----------
1944AugNC, 11990----------
1944SepNC, 3; VA, 3; NY, 3; CT, 3; RI, 3; MA, 2 3947----------
1944OctFL, SW3, NE23962----------
1945JunFL, NW11985----------
1945AugTX, C22967----------
1945SepFL, SE33951----------
1946OctFL, SW11980----------
1947AugTX, N11992----------
1947SepFL, SE4, SW2; MS, 3; LA, 34940----------
1947OctGA, 2; SC, 2; FL, SE12974----------
1948SepLA, 11987----------
1948SepFL, SW3, SE23963----------
1948OctFL, SE22975----------
1949Aug *NC, 11980----------
1949AugFL, SE33954----------
1949OctTX, N22972----------
1950AugAL, 11980-----Baker
1950SepFL, NW33958-----Easy
1950OctFL, SE33955-----King
1952AugSC, 11985-----Able
1953AugNC, 11987-----Barbara
1953SepME, 11----------Carol
1953SepFL, NW11985-----Florence
1954AugNY, 3; CT, 3; RI, 3; NC, 23960-----Carol
1954SepMA, 3; ME, 13954-----Edna
1954OctSC, 4; NC, 4; MD, 24938-----Hazel
1955AugNC, 3; VA, 13962-----Connie
1955AugNC, 11987-----Diane
1955SepNC, 33960-----Ione
1956SepLA, 2; FL, NW12975-----Flossy
1957JunTX, N4; LA, 44945----- Audrey
1959JulSC, 11993-----Cindy
1959JulTX, N11984-----Debra
1959SepSC, 33950-----Gracie
1960SepFL, SW4; NC, 3; NY, 3; FL, NE2;CT, 2; RI, 2; MA, 1; NH, 1; ME, 14930-----Donna
1960SepMS, 11981-----Ethel
1961SepTX, C44931-----Carla
1963SepTX, N11996-----Cindy
1964AugFL, SE22968-----Cleo
1964SepFL, NE22966-----Dora
1964OctLA, 33950-----Hilda
1964OctFL, SW2, SE22974-----Isbell
1965SepFL, SE3; LA, 33948-----Betsy
1966JunFL, NW22982-----Alma
1966OctFL, SW11983-----Inez
1967SepTX, S33950-----Beulah
1968OctFL, NW2, NE12977-----Gladys
1969AugLA, 5; MS, 55909-----Camille
1969SepME, 11980-----Gerda
1970AugTX, S33945-----Celia
1971SepLA, 22978-----Edith
1971SepTX, C11979-----Fern
1971SepNC, 11995-----Ginger
1972JunFL, NW1; NY, 1; CT, 11980-----Agnes
1974SepLA, 33952-----Carmen
1975SepFL, NW33955-----Eloise
1976AugNY, 11980-----Belle
1977SepLA, 11995-----Babe
1979JulLA, 11986-----Bob
1979SepFL, SE2, NE2; GA, 2; SC, 22970-----David
1979SepAL, 3; MS, 33946-----Frederic
1980AugTX, S33945100Allen
1983AugTX, N33962100Alicia
1984Sep *NC, 33949100Diana
1985JulSC, 11100265Bob
1985AugLA, 1198780Danny
1985SepAL, 3; MS, 3; FL, NW33959100Elena
1985SepNC, 3; NY,3; CT,2; NH,2; ME,1394290Gloria
1985OctLA, 1197175Juan
1985NovFL, NW2296785Kate
1986JunTX, N1199075Bonnie
1986AugNC, 1199065Charley
1987OctFL, SW1199365Floyd
1988SepLA, 1198470Florence
1989AugTX, N1198670Chantal
1989SepSC, 44934120Hugo
1989OctTX, N1198375Jerry
1991AugRI, 2; MA, 2; NY, 2; CT, 2296290Bob
1992AugFL, SE5, SW4; LA, 35922145Andrew
1993Aug *NC, 33960100Emily
1995AugFL, NW2, SE1297385Erin
1995OctFL, NW33942100Opal
1996JulNC, 2297490Bertha
1996SepNC, 33954100Fran
1997JulLA, 1; AL, 1198470Danny
1998AugNC, 2296495Bonnie
1998SepFL, NW1198770Earl
1998SepFL, SW2; MS, 2296490Georges
1999AugTX, S33951100Bret
1999SepNC, 2295690Floyd
1999OctFL, SW1198770Irene
2002OctLA, 1196380Lili
2003JulTX, C1197980Claudette
2003SepNC, 2; VA, 1295790Isabel
2004Aug *NC, 1197270Alex
2004AugFL, SW4, SE1, NE1; SC,1; NC,14941130Charley
2004AugSC, 1198565Gaston
2004SepFL, SE2, SW1296090Frances
2004SepAL, 3; FL, NW33946105Ivan
2004SepFL, SE3, SW1, NW13950105Jeanne
2005JulyLA, 1199175Cindy
2005JulyFL NW3, AL, 23946105Dennis
2005AugFL SE1;LA, 3;MS, 3;AL, 23920110Katrina
2005SepTX NE3;LA, 23937100Rita
2005OctFL SW3, SE13950105Wilma
2007SepCTX1, LA1198580Humberto
2008SepCTX2, LA1295095Ike

Updated from Jarrell et al. 1992 and reflecting official HURDAT reanalysis changes through 1914. Note that from 1915 through 1979, no official wind speed estimates are currently available. Document created in Feb. 2005

States Affected and Category by States Affected: The impact of the hurricane on individual U.S. states based upon the Saffir-Simpson Scale (through the estimate of the maximum sustained surface winds at each state). (TX S-South Texas, TX C-Central Texas, TX N-North Texas, LA-Louisiana, MS-Mississippi, AL-Alabama, FL NW-Northwest Florida, FL SW-Southwest Florida, FL SE-Southeast Florida, FL NE-Northeast Florida, GA-Georgia, SC-South Carolina, NC-North Carolina, VA-Virginia, MD-Maryland, DE-Delaware, NJ-New Jersey, NY-New York, PA-Pennsylvania, CT-Connecticut, RI-Rhode Island, MA-Massachusetts, NH-New Hampshire, ME-Maine. In Texas, south refers to the area from the Mexican border to Corpus Christi; central spans from north of Corpus Christi to Matagorda Bay and north refers to the region from north of Matagorda Bay to the Louisiana border. In Florida, the north-south dividing line is from Cape Canaveral [28.45N] to Tarpon Springs [28.17N]. The dividing line between west-east Florida goes from 82.69W at the north Florida border with Georgia, to Lake Okeechobee and due south along longitude 80.85W.)

Highest U.S. Saffir-Simpson Category: The highest Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale impact in the United States based upon estimated maximum sustained surface winds produced at the coast.

Central Pressure: The observed (or analyzed from peripheral pressure measurements) central pressure of the hurricane at landfall.

Maximum Winds: Estimated maximum sustained (1-min) surface (10 m) winds to occur along the U. S. coast. Winds are estimated to the nearest 10 kt for the period of 1851 to 1885 and to the nearest 5 kt for the period of 1886 to date. (1 kt = 1.15 mph.)

* - Indicates that the hurricane center did not make a U.S. landfall (or substantially weakened before making landfall), but did produce the indicated hurricane force winds over land. In this case, central pressure is given for the hurricane's point of closest approach.

& - Indicates that the hurricane center did make a direct landfall, but that the strongest winds likely remained offshore. Thus the winds indicated here are lower than in HURDAT.

# - Indicates that the hurricane made landfall over Mexico, but also caused sustained hurricane force surface winds in Texas. The strongest winds at landfall impacted Mexico, while the weaker maximum sustained winds indicated here were conditions estimated to occur in Texas. Indicated central pressure given is that at Mexican landfall.

Additional Note:
Because of the sparseness of towns and cities before 1900 in some coastal locations along the United States, the above list is not complete for all states. Before the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts became settled, hurricanes may have been underestimated in their intensity or missed completely for small-sized systems (i.e., 2004?s Hurricane Charley). The following list provides estimated dates when accurate tropical cyclone records began for specified regions of the United States based upon U.S Census reports and other historical analyses. Years in parenthesis indicate possible starting dates for reliable records before the 1850s that may be available with additional research:

  • Texas-south ? 1880
  • Texas-central ? 1851
  • Texas-north ? 1860
  • Louisiana ? 1880
  • Mississippi ? 1851
  • Alabama < 1851 (1830)
  • Florida-northwest ? 1880
  • Florida-southwest ? 1900
  • Florida-southeast ? 1900
  • Florida-northeast ? 1880
  • Georgia < 1851 (1800)
  • South Carolina < 1851 (1760)
  • North Carolina < 1851 (1760)
  • Virginia < 1851 (1700)
  • Maryland < 1851 (1760)
  • Delaware < 1851 (1700)
  • New Jersey < 1851 (1760)
  • New York < 1851 (1700)
  • Connecticut < 1851 (1660)
  • Rhode Island < 1851 (1760)
  • Massachusetts < 1851 (1660)
  • New Hampshire < 1851 (1660)
  • Maine < 1851 (1790).

Last Revised : May 31, 2012

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