Responsible Sexual Behavior & Health 
Soldiers encounter unique health care situations and considerations.  Resources for effectively ensuring the health and readiness of Soldiers as they perform the day-to-day missions of the unit are vital. An important aspect of this is ensuring that Soldiers are educated about personal sexual responsibility and provided with resources to help protect their health and prevent unintended pregnancy/paternity.  


HIV and STD Prevention

 This icon identifies links to external web sites that will open in a new browser window. See the External Links Disclaimer link at the bottom of this page. EDUCATION RESOURCES    Army Institute of Public Health  Standardized HIV education presentation General Population Brief (release expected in FY 2013) Commander’s Brief (release expected in FY 2013)    Center for Disease Contr... (more)

HPV Vaccines

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that affects both males and females.  HPV is passed between sexual partners and can cause genital warts and cancers.  There are vaccines to protect females against many types of HPV.   These marketing tools are designed to educate Soldiers, families, and health care providers about HPV. For Soldiers Stay Army Strong: What Soldiers need to know about... (more)