Welcome to the Tax Preparer Toolkit

This toolkit has everything you need for all things EITC!

It makes it easy for you to practice EITC due diligence, prepare quality returns, and help your clients get the EITC they earned. 

Review our Hot Topics for news you need as a tax return preparer such as: continuing education opportunities, products and tools to help you meet your EITC due diligence requirements, proposed and new regulations, and more. 

Find EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts and Tax Law Updates on irs.gov.


  • Take the EITC Due Diligence Training Module online. This module covers the technical parts of the Due Diligence must do's and contains scenarios to walk you through examples of applying due diligence requirements. Complete the course, pass the test, and print a certificate of completion. You may also receive Continuing Education credit.

  • Curso en español de Capacitación para la Práctica de Diligencia Debida. Este curso de capacitación del EITC (Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo, por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido diseñado para ayudar al profesional de impuestos a entender mejor el crédito y sus responsabilidades bajo las reglas de Diligencia Debida del EITC. Usted podría obtener créditos de educación continua (CE) con este curso.

  • Watch the taped webinar, Meeting Your EITC Due Diligence. The webinar covered the new requirements, how to avoid common pitfalls, and protecting yourself from higher penalties.

  • Vea el seminario en línea en español Cumpliendo Su Requisito de Diligencia Debida del EITC - Aprenda acerca de los nuevos requisitos de diligencia debida para profesionales para protegerse de penalidades, evitar faltas comunes siguiendo las mejores prácticas, obtener la información actualizada acerca de las varias fases del programa de cumplimiento del IRS, y ver cómo herramientas gratis pueden ayudarle a cumplir. Este seminario fue presentado originalmente el 21 de febrero de 2011.

  • Order our EITC Due Diligence Made Easy DVD (IRS Publication 4926) for 2012. It has tools and resources to help you prepare tax returns for use during the 2013 filing season.

  • Find out more about your EITC Due Diligence requirements. 

  •  Preparers need to ask more questions of their clients if the claims they make about self-employment seem inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete when the tax return includes EITC.  Find out how to meet your due diligence requirements and help your self employed clients reconstruct their business records by taking our EITC Schedule C and Record Reconstruction Training here.

  • For answers to the most frequently asked questions by preparers, click here.

  • The software developer's strategy involves a joint partnership between the IRS and tax preparation software companies with the goal of improving software and helping preparers meet their due diligence requirements. Read more.......

  • The list of federally declared disaster areas is growing and could affect your EITC clients.  Learn more on irs.gov..... 

More Resources:

Avoid the most common EITC errors. Learn more.......


Learn how to handle the most difficult due diligence situations.


Do you need to know what an EITC notice, letter or reject code means? Do you need to know how to respond? See the chart in our tools and tips section.


Use our Guide to Everything Earned Income Tax Credit Online - to easily find the technical information you need to accurately determine if your clients qualify for EITC and meet your due diligence requirements.


Learn about EITC and get CPE credit. See how.......


View our chart for a look at how various child related credits interact.


Find EITC products for promoting EITC and informing your clients of EITC eligibility requirements.


Show your clients where they stand with the EITC Assistant. They may think they qualify for EITC, but not all of them do - available in English and Spanish.



Last Updated: 1/9/2013