USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Tuberculosis

Germany’s Renewed Support: Another Leap Forward for the Global Fund

Alongside the Global Fund’s new Executive Director Mark Dybul and Bill Gates, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel announces Germany’s EUR 1 billion commitment to the Global Fund at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. Photo credit: The Global Fund

USAID, through PEPFAR, and alongside many donor countries such as Germany, has been a strong supporter of the Global Fund to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Read more >>

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From the Field: Imams Encourage TB Treatment in Tajikistan

As a community health specialist with USAID’s Quality Health Care Project in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, I educate community members, medical workers, patients, and their families about tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, treatment, and infection control.  My job involves being constantly available and responsive to the needs of patients and their families, and I tend to work unusual hours [...]

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Achieving an HIV- and TB-Free Generation

Originally posted to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation blog.  Too many people around the world have forgotten about the dangers of tuberculosis – particularly for mothers and children. TB is a highly contagious bacterial infection that can be spread in saliva, most often through coughing, sneezing, or exhaling in close quarters. While TB has [...]

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An Excellent ‘Xpert’ Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis Infection

There is some really exciting news in the world of TB diagnostics.  If you haven’t heard already, there is a new molecular diagnostic test developed by Cepheid that has the potential to transform how TB is detected.  The GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay can detect TB and mutations associated with rifampicin resistance in less than two hours [...]

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Our Continued Common Struggle – World Tuberculosis Day 2012

Last year on this blog, I wrote about why the United States and Eastern Europe and Eurasia need to work together to fight against multi-drug resistant (MDR) – tuberculosis (TB) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) –TB. In the world of modern travel, these diseases are a plane ride away from our shores. As we commemorate World [...]

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In TB Fight, a Call for More Teamwork

Guest blogger Joanna Breitstein is the Director of Communications at the TB Alliance. At an event heralding the launch of a new clinical trial that tests tuberculosis drugs in combination, Robert Clay, Deputy Assistant Administrator in USAID’s Global Health Bureau, said that he wants researchers and those who oversee programs in countries to work more closely [...]

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Turning the Corner on HIV and Tuberculosis Co-infection in Brazil

AIDSTAR-One is funded by USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS. The project provides technical assistance to USAID and U.S. Government country teams to build effective, well-managed, and sustainable HIV and AIDS programs. HIV and tuberculosis (TB) affect millions of people worldwide every year. Eighty percent of the world’s cases of HIV are concentrated in the 22 countries—including [...]

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Tackling Tuberculosis in Migrant Populations

On December 19, 2011, the day after International Migrants Day, I found myself on a plane from Almaty, Kazakhstan to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, for a business trip.  I was surrounded by Tajik laborers returning home to celebrate the New Year. Other than my three colleagues and I, the seats were filled with Tajiks bearing electronics, toys, [...]

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An Ancient Disease, A Modern Day Development Challenge, A Child Who Deserves a Future

By: Clydette Powell, Medical Officer, Division of Infectious Diseases We need a game changer that puts innovation for Tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment at the forefront of our global health agenda. Unsanitary and unhealthy realities bred by third world conditions provide the perfect opportunity for this ancient disease to continue to spread through vulnerable populations. There [...]

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Our Common Fight – TB in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

By: Jonathan Hale, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Several weeks ago, I visited the Central Tuberculosis Research Institute (CTRI) of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. It plays a central role in Russia’s battle with tuberculosis (TB)  as the country’s top TB treatment hospital, research center, and medical training facility. Russians [...]

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