Head Start

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Application Procedures for Locally Designed or Specialized Delivery Models

Administration for Children and Families


1. Log No. ACF-PI-HS-10-04

2. Issuance Date: 10/26/2010

3. Originating Office: Office of Head Start

4. Key Words: Procedures; Locally Designed Models



TO: All Head Start and Early Head Start Grantees

SUBJECT: Application Procedures for Locally Designed or Specialized Delivery Models


Consistent with section 640(f) of the Head Start Act, as amended, we are establishing procedures to be followed by Head Start and Early Head Start agencies choosing to apply to develop and to propose locally designed or specialized service delivery models to address local community needs, including models that expand capacity and capabilities by effectively utilizing the resources, talents, and abilities of other early childhood education and development delivery systems. We believe the reference in section 640(f)(1) of the Head Start Act related to “leverag[ing] the capacity and capabilities of the delivery system of early childhood education and development services or programs” refers to locally designed and specialized service models that receive support from sources other than Head Start.

A written application to implement a locally designed or specialized service delivery model must be submitted by the governing body and policy council and must include: (1) a copy of the community-wide strategic planning and needs assessment that demonstrates how the alternative program variation will best meet the needs of the applicant’s community; (2) information on the program’s capability to operate the proposed variation including how existing resources demonstrate capacity to operate the proposed model; and (3) for models that leverage the capacity and capabilities of early childhood education and development delivery systems, what resources (in addition to current resources) including funding, personnel, facilities, and equipment are anticipated to be available in the community upon approval of the application to support the locally designed or specialized service delivery model and meet, in an age and developmentally appropriate manner, the needs of Early Head Start and Head Start eligible pregnant women, children and families in the service area.

An alternative program variation may not be implemented until a written approval is received by the Head Start or Early Head Start agency with an effective date for implementation.

The procedures are as follows:

Head Start and Early Head Start agencies may apply for funding to implement locally designed or specialized service delivery models to address local community needs, including models that leverage the capacity and capabilities of other early childhood education and development services or programs in accordance with the following instructions:

(1)  A written application to implement a locally designed or specialized service delivery model to address local community needs must be submitted by the applicant’s governing body and policy council to the responsible HHS official and include a detailed description of the proposed model and a copy of the community-wide strategic planning and needs assessment that demonstrates the following:

(i)  The alternative model will best meet the needs of the applicant’s community; and

(ii)  The applicant’s capability to operate the proposed model, including information on funding, personnel, facilities, and equipment, and how existing resources give them the capacity to operate the proposed model; or

(iii)  For applications involving models that leverage the capacity and capabilities of the delivery system of early childhood education and development services or programs, what current agency resources and anticipated additional resources, including funding, personnel, facilities and equipment are available to support the proposed locally designed or specialized service delivery model and meet, in an age and developmentally appropriate manner, the needs of Head Start or Early Head Start eligible children and families in the service area.

(2)  No applications to implement locally designed or specialized service delivery models can be considered approved unless a written approval from the responsible HHS official is received by the agency with an effective date for such implementation.

Please direct any questions on this Instruction to your OHS Regional Office.

/ Yvette Sanchez Fuentes /

Yvette Sanchez Fuentes
Office of Head Start

See PDF Version of Program Instruction:
     Application Procedures for Locally Designed or Specialized Delivery Models [PDF, 25KB]

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Application Procedures for Locally Designed or Specialized Delivery Models. ACF-PI-HS-10-04. HHS/ACF/OHS. 2010. English.

This is a Historical Document.