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Upcoming Weekend Activities: Grab your Galoshes and Get off the Couch

2011 September 22

If you want some motivation to brave the rain, take a look at our listings below. Though you may need an umbrella, there’s plenty going on this weekend. Please add your own ideas in the comments section if we missed something fun.

Birding on Staten Island: Take a guided walk with a naturalist and spot migratory bird species on Staten Island. Saturday, September 24, 8-10 a.m.

Building a Community-Supported Kitchen: Learn about local initiatives to provide healthy, community-supported meals in local neighborhoods. Friday, September 23, 1-3 p.m.

Climate Week NYC: Don’t miss the final few days of events for Climate Week! From volunteering to panel discussions, you can still catch some of the excitement around town.  

Fall Festival at Soundview Park: Participate in a puppet-making workshop, health and fitness events, and a coastal cleanup with the Bronx River Alliance. Saturday, September 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Fitness Hike in Queens:  Enjoy the outdoors with a vigorous, guided hike through Forest Park in Queens. Saturday, September 24, 9 a.m.

New York Bike Jumble: Check out bikes, parts, and accessories or bring your bike to get it inspected. Got an old clunker collecting dust? Recycle-a-bicycle will be on hand to accept donations. Saturday, September 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Reflecting the Stars: Come view an LED recreation of our night sky set up on decaying posts of the Hudson River. Visitors on shore can press buttons which highlight constellations that are no longer seen in urban centers because of air and light pollution. Every night, beginning at sunset, until October 25.

Time/Bank:Time/Food: Artist Rirkrit Tiravanija will be the guest chef for a special lunch event. Time/Food is a temporary eatery that operates on the Time/Bank economic system — a platform where individuals can pool time and skills, bypassing money as a means of value — allowing visitors to pay for their meals through the alternative currency of time spent performing a skill, service, or trade. Sunday, September 25, 2-3 p.m.

Watch “The Whale”: Come to the New York premiere of the film about an orphaned orca whale, based on the award-winning documentary, “Saving Luna.” Friday, September 23, various show times.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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