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EPA and the U.S. Navy: Perfect Together

2011 October 5

Signing of the MOU between NWS Earle and EPA

By John Martin

The Department of Defense has been making important strides recently in its efforts to conserve energy and combat climate change. As an American, I’m encouraged to hear about another government agency reducing its carbon footprint. As a reservist in the U.S. Navy, I’m glad our military is actively working to increase our energy security.

Here at EPA, we regularly reach out to businesses, schools, and other organizations, offering to help green their operations in exchange for resource conservation commitments. Our “Green Team” has worked with 20 different entities in New York and New Jersey, including the New York Giants, Jets and Mets, and real estate developer Cushman and Wakefield. 

Earlier this month, I traveled to nearby Colts Neck, New Jersey for the signing of one such agreement between EPA and the CO of Naval Weapons Station Earle— the first between EPA and an outside federal facility. Joining me were Ariel Iglesias, the Deputy Director of our Division of Environmental Planning and Protection, and Andrew Bellina, our Green Team’s Senior Policy Advisor. The signing was the culmination of months of discussions between the Green Team and Capt. David Harrison’s staff in which the two sides set specific conservation goals to be achieved through various EPA programs, including EnergyStar, WaterSense and WasteWise. Beginning next year, NWS Earle will report their progress to EPA every six months, as they continue to work with EPA staff.

We at EPA have big hopes for this partnership. To expand our Green Team efforts to another federal agency is an exciting step. To be working with a U.S. Navy installation makes us (and me especially) even more proud. The more EPA can help the Navy reduce its carbon emissions, the more secure our country becomes.

NWS Earle Commanding Officer Capt. David “Buzz” Harrison and EPA’s Ariel Iglesias

If your organization or business is interested in joining with EPA to conserve energy and use fewer resources, our Green Team is ready to hear from you. Contact Andrew Bellina, PE at 212-637-4126 or visit the EPA Green Team website at:

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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