Monthly Archives: August 2012

Collecting and Maintaining our Geographic Data

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Tweet Written by Steve Matheis and Katy Rossiter The Census Bureau collects and maintains geographic data in order to take censuses and surveys and to prepare and present statistical information.  We store all of our geographic data in the Master … Continue reading

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The Evolving Picture of our Governments

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Governments.  What word comes to mind when you think of governments? Perhaps a state capital building, Congress, or a courthouse is what you think of first. How about the tens of thousands of governments that … Continue reading

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Tracking Health Insurance Trends for Small Counties

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Tweet Written by: Wes Basel Today, the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program released estimates for 2010 of the number of insured and uninsured for counties and states nationwide. The program also provides a Web-based interactive tool that allows … Continue reading

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State and Local Government Workers: Where Do They Work? In our Schools

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Yesterday, the Census Bureau released estimates from the 2011 Annual Survey of Public Employment & Payroll.  The total number of state and local government workers in March 2011 declined slightly to 19.4 million.  Where do … Continue reading

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Census Bureau App Leads Digital Transformation

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Tweet Written by: Avi Bender From the time the U.S. Census Bureau became a permanent agency in 1902, it has been known as “the nation’s fact finder.” At the time, and for many decades thereafter, it released the results of … Continue reading

Posted in Technology, Web Transformation | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments