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CoC Maps, Contacts, Reports, and Awards

HUD awards homeless assistance grants to organizations across the country to ameliorate homelessness and its effect on people's lives. The two primary grant types are: Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG).

Within this section, you can locate CoCs around the country, find CoC contact information, find report data, and view CoC and ESG awardees since 2005.

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Continuum of Care Maps  Continuum of Care Contacts  View homelessness reports and housing inventories  View grant information and awardees by year

Provides maps of CoC boundaries by grant award year and state.

Provides contact information for the CoC lead agency and HUD Field Offices serving the CoC's territory.

Provides information on homeless populations and homelessness data from national, state, and continuum-level reports. Information is searchable by year, by report type, and by geographic location. Some information available includes housing inventory data, CoC and ESG grant information, and maps showing CoC geographic boundaries.

Provides FY 2005, 2006 and 2007 CoC and ESG grant awards, by year, award type, and CoC or state.

If you are looking for CoC Grant Application Materials, including Preliminary Pro Rata Need amounts, visit the Grant Application Materials page.