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Economic Development News Stories

The following news stories describe recent successes in the Economic Development Programs.

A Guide to Registering for Grant Opportunities Using
This training (Feb 16, 2006 @ 2pm) will give potential applicants an opportunity to become familiar with the registration process and to ensure everyone understands the requirements to enable them to submit an application via
Webcast (without Captions) | Webcast (with Captions) |

The Community Planning and Development Monitoring Handbook 6509.2 REV-6 has been completely revised.

HUD Awards Nearly $24 Million for Affordable Housing and Economic Development in America's Heartland
September 6, 2005
Grants will help 103 rural housing and development programs nationwide
more... | Grantees

BEDI and Youthbuild NOFA Competitions Reopened
July 26, 2005
BEDI and Youthbuild applications are due no later than August 25, 2005
BEDI PDF | BEDI Text | Youthbuild PDF | Youthbuild Text | CPD 2005 SuperNOFA Page

Inauguration/kickoff of San Diego $700,000 Youthbuild grant
July 14, 2005
On June 7, 2005, the Black Contractors Association of San Diego (BCA) thanked HUD representatives for a ceremonial check showing $700,000 to fund its Youthbuild program. more...

Putting People in Homes
July 7, 2005
Homeownership in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley is alive and well, thanks to a partnership between the Community Development Corporation of South Texas (CDCST), Tejas Community Credit Opportunities Inc. and Amigos Del Valle Inc. more...

SuperNOFA Submission Deadlines Extended
May 20, 2005
The denial of service attack affecting the website from May 17 through May 19 has resulted in the extension of application submission deadlines for affected grantees.
more... | Denial of Service details |

First Time & First-Of-A-Kind
April 26, 2005
Michael Keen stood one spring morning in front of a 1700-square foot home on Delphine Street in Waynesboro, Virginia. It's a brand-new home, built by the Waynesboro Redevelopment and Housing Authority's HUD-funded Youthbuild.

SuperNOFA ImageYouthbuild Program Webcast
April 19, 2005
more... | SuperNOFA for CPD Programs

SuperNOFA ImageBrownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) Webcast
April 19, 2005
more... | SuperNOFA for CPD Programs | Without Captions | With Captions

CPD Notice 05-02
April 13, 2005
Implementation of Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, (URA) Final Rule Effective February 3, 2005.
PDF | WORD | Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation

SuperNOFA ImageSecretary Jackson Unveils FY2005 SuperNOFA!
March 5, 2005
Secretary Jackson unveiled this year's "SuperNOFA," a notice that makes available $2.26 billion in funding through an unprecedented 53 grant opportunities. With the exception of those applying for funding through HUD's Continuum of Care homeless assistance programs, HUD now requires all applicants to submit their funding requests electronically through
SuperNOFA for CPD Programs | Press Release | Daily Focus | Funds Available |

Man's Best Friend
February 11, 2005
The Community Renewal and New Markets Initiative is helping Dr. Tinsley and his partner, Dr. George Gamble, provide enhanced services to their four-legged clients throughout the Claiborne Parish area.
more... | Community Renewal

Boundary Files are now available on the RC/EZ/EC Communities Tour
February 8, 2005
Local governments, businesses and tax incentive consultants may want to load these boundary files into their geographic information systems to help meet their business needs.

Youthbuild Program Delivers $54 Million for Skills and Leadership Training
December 13, 2004
Participants will produce more than 1,000 affordable homes
Nearly four thousand young people who never finished high school will get a second chance to receive their diplomas because of $54 million in grants announced by HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson.

Business in the RC/EZs
December 8, 2004
If you own a business in a Renewal Community (RC) or Empowerment Zone (EZ), you may be eligible for thousands of dollars in tax savings.

RC/EZ/EC LogoImproved Community Renewal Website!
December 7, 2004
We've reorganized the Community Renewal home page to make the following information more accessible: RC/EZ Tax Incentive Q&As, the Address Locator, and the Businesses in the RC/EZs Webpage. Business owners will be able to quickly verify that their businesses are located within an RC or EZ and determine if their employees live in one of the designated areas.

HUD Awards $24.6 Million in Grants to Redevelop Brownfields and to Create Thousands of Jobs in 17 Communities
October 14, 2004
$119 million in loan guarantees to further stimulate revitalization and employment
A metal scrap yard, a landfill and contaminated industrial sites will soon become hotels, office buildings and even a high tech silicon wafer factory.
more... | BEDI

National Research Study Finds Many Positive Effects of Youthbuild Program
June 2004

BEDI is Economic Development for Brownfields
May 26, 2004
The BEDI program offers specific opportunities for communities, large and small, to return brownfields to productive use.
more... | BEDI

BEDI is Economic Development for Brownfields
May 24, 2004
The BEDI program offers specific opportunities for communities, large and small, to return brownfields to productive use.

Introducing the Section 4 Guarantee Recovery Fund Website
May 20, 2004
Section 4 provides certain nonprofit organizations with a source of financing to rebuild property damaged or destroyed by acts of arson or terrorism.

moneybag imageTax Savings Ticker...
March 17, 2004
Important Tax Tips for Accountants and Businesses in the EZs and RCs
more... | Press Release

CPD Notice 03-10 - Oct. 8, 2003
Ocotber 8, 2003
Provides information and guidance for the four border states on best practices in distributing funds to communities with substandard living conditions along the U.S./Mexico border, known as “Colonias”.

New Markets Tax Credit broadcast describes a $15 Billion partnership between investors and RC/EZ/ECs
August 6, 2003
Go to the Webcast | Community Renewal Website

Brownfields: Market-Based Solutions for RehabilitationYou can view the new Brownfields webcast
March 5, 2003
With Captions
Without Captions

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