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Business Mail 101 - Getting Started
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Advantages of Bulk Mail

There are many advantages to using bulk mail. The most important advantage is that bulk mailing prices are significantly lower than single-piece prices. That can save you a lot of money.

Is Bulk Mail Right for You?

Mailing at bulk prices may not be the right choice for everyone. For example, if your business does just one or two mailings a year, then it may be worth seeking the services of a vendor, presort or mailing house. Why? Because bulk mail is an investment: an investment of time, in learning how to sort and prepare your mail, and an investment of money (in paying for a mailing permit, the annual mailing fee, and possibly the costs of presort software or other equipment).

As a guideline, if you are mailing a few hundred pieces at a time, a few times a year, or if you plan to make a large, one-time mailing—for example, 5,000 flyers to announce an upcoming sales event—bulk mail may be a good deal for you. It takes extra time to prepare a bulk mailing, plus there are fees for mailing at bulk prices. Before deciding to make a bulk mailing, you should consider those costs. Your local business mail entry office can help you decide if bulk mail is the right business choice for you.

Not Sure If Mail Is the Right Way to Reach your Customers?

The Postal Service's Direct Mail web site will show you the benefits of using mail to grow your business.

There's a world of difference between mail and "traditional" advertising. The thing to remember about TV, radio, and other mass media is that, while it reaches an audience of millions, you really have no way of knowing if you're speaking to people who are interested in, receptive to, or even appropriate for your product or service. What's more, speaking to an audience this huge usually comes with an equally hefty price tag.

With direct mail, however, you can be incredibly targeted, especially when you take advantage of today's sophisticated demographic management techniques. These let you customize messages for potential customers. That's the beauty, and efficiency, of direct mail.