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 Q. I know of a soldier who is AWOL off Post what can I do?

A. There is nothing that can be done Police Wise AWOL is a Unit Level offense. You must inform the Parent Unit of the whereabouts of the Soldier so he can be returned to Military Control or Advise the Solder, that if he does not return to his unit within 30 days of his initial departure a federal warrant will be issued for his arrest.


Q. I know of a Soldier who is DFR Off Post What Can I Do?

A. Since The Fort Bragg Military Police do not have jurisdiction Off Post, you must inform Local Law Enforcement Agencies of the Soldiers whereabouts, and the soldier will be picked up.


Q. I know of a Soldier Who is AWOL On Post What Can I do?

A. Inform the Military Police and the Soldier will be picked up and returned to his unit.


Q. I know of a Soldier that is DFR On Post What can I do?

A. Inform the Military Police and the Soldier Will be picked up and returned to his Unit.


Q. Where do I report for the Escort/Guard Briefs in the PMO?

A Report to the Police Desk and the DAT will be informed.


Q. I have a Soldier in the D-Cell who has been there for 72 hrs and I need an extended Stay in the D-Cell what do I do.

A. Only the Provost Marshal can approve an extended stay over 72 hrs in the D-Cell. Unit must    Notify MP desk and request an extension. 


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U.S. Army Fort Bragg - This is an Official Government Web Site. Last Modified May 31, 2012