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Walter Jones

Walter Jones
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Walter JonesSee All
    • Isabel Matos
      Thank YOU for Voting Against John Boehner!
      3 hours ago
    • Mike McIntyre, Walter Jones, Kay Hagan, Pamela Campbell-Dereef, Tony McEwen Ok...I am not sure if this is an original idea, but I want this presented regardless. While we struggle with debt, why don't we present the "opt out to opt in" bill. For seniors who are eligible for social security and medicare who are financially capable of taking care of themselves, they CHOOSE to opt out of receiving their benefits of any kind. What they do not draw down would be in a sense a donation (since they paid in and it is their money) and that money could be used to ease the debt and they would get a tax deduction for the donation of the amount equivalent to what they are not drawing down. This I am convinced of, there ARE many seniors who would do this and given the opportunity to give back to the country and help to make a difference, they would do it. It is voluntary, does not require any one to spend any more of their own money, adds to our ability to serve one another..and while it may no produce a huge is what kennedy said about "what we could do for our country......
      1110 · 4 hours ago
    • Tracy Bengtson
       Please stand with the NC Republican Party, Libertarians, Tea Parties, and conservatives of all affiliations and help us stop the implementation of government controlled health care. NC Says NO! Thank you!
      7 hours ago
    • Tracy Bengtson
       Thanks for headlining the Honor Your Oath Rally, Congressman!
      7 hours ago
    • Jim Gaddis
      Congressman Jones, I understand that you and many, if not most, of your constituents support a reduction in the federal deficit, even to the extent of a balanced federal budget. A balanced budget, of course, requires that all US Treasury spending be matched by federal tax collections – that is – by money extracted from the savings of private citizens of the US. A balanced budget would enrich the public sector at the expense of the private sector, propping up the government but imposing further financial hardship on the already cash-strapped American people. The federal deficit is a public sector liability and a corresponding private sector asset. Do you really want to reduce the deficit and support a balanced budget amendment?
      21 hours ago
  2. Last night I voted against the fiscal cliff deal that passed both the House and Senate and is awaiting President Obama's signature. The deal included over $40 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts, adds $4 trillion to the debt and was packed with corporate welfare subsidies. It is well passed time that Washington puts our nation's fiscal house in order and this bill simply fell short.
  4. Here's some straight talk from my friend and former colleague, Dick Armey of Texas:

    "When we talk about a cut in our budget we mean we will spend less than what we have been spending. A cut is less and an increase is more. That is truth. When folks in Washington talk about a budget cut they mean an increase in spending which is less than they had planned to increase. So if they had planned on inc...reasing spending by 10% and only increased by 8% they would claim a cut in spending of 2%. Therefore, "spending cuts" in Washington are a fiction. To ask $2.00 in fictional spending cuts for every $1.00 in real tax increase is not at all extreme or unreasonable. In fact to ask for $200 in real spending reduction for every $1.00 in real tax increase is not extreme or unreasonable. Its just plain english."
    See More
  5. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the peace of Christ be with you!
  6. I was happy to join my friend Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to fight for the release of Marine veteran Jon Hammar, who was being held in a Mexican prison on trumped up gun charges. What a great Christmas gift that he is now on US soil and will be able to spend Christmas with his family!
  7. BuzzFeed just listed my visit with Honor Flight World War II veterans as one of the "17 Moments That Restored Our Faith In The Humanity Of Politicians This Year"
  8. As a longtime opponent of foreign aid I'm happy to be an original cosponsor of H.R. 6646, legislation to prohibit all foreign aid for Egypt. At a time when when we are over $16 trillion in debt why would we give your hard earned money to anyone... much less a regime such as the one in Cairo?

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