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Photo Requirements

The United States government has strict requirements for the photographs, which must be submitted with a non-immigrant visa application. Photographs, which fail to meet the following requirements, cannot be accepted.

Each visa applicant must submit a photograph taken within the last six months and with the following details:

  • A full face photograph with the head centered in the frame (a "full face" photograph is one in which the applicant faces the camera directly, with eyes looking straight at the camera.
    The face must cover about 50% of the area of the photograph.
  • The head of the applicant should be shown from the crown to the tip of the chin on top and bottom, and from hairline side-to-side.  The ears must be exposed.  The head measured from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin) should measure between one inch and 1 and 3/8" (25mm to 35mm) with the eye level between one and 1/8" to 1 and 3/8" (28mm and 35mm) from the bottom of the photograph.
  • Photographs must be in color and taken against a white background.
  • No head coverings (hats, scarves, etc.), except for religious purposes.
  • No sunglasses.
  • Photographs should printed without borders.

Photo Requirements

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    Please Note:

    Photos should be stapled or glued to the non-immigrant visas application (DS-160).  If the photogpraph is stapled, the staples should be placed as far away as possible from applicant's face. (more)