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Educational Exchange


The Cultural Section complements and reinforces traditional diplomacy by communicating U.S. interests directly to the Ethiopian public and by fostering mutual understanding and building trust between America and Ethiopia. The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Mission to Ethiopia is responsible for cultural and educational affairs, and exchange activities that articulate U.S. foreign policy and promote greater mutual understanding between Ethiopia and the United States. The section is headed by the Country Public Affairs Counselor.

As part of its overall program of bilateral cooperation, the Cultural Section has a wide range of academic and professional development exchange programs with Ethiopia.

The Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is an internationally recognized program existing in over 140 countries, the goal of which is to promote greater understanding between the United States and other nations through academic, professional, and cultural exchange. The Fulbright Program in Ethiopia offers a variety of opportunities for both Americans and Ethiopians interested in graduate study, lecturing, academic research, and other activities.
The Cultural Section administers the twelve different grant programs in Ethiopia and receives all grant applications from Ethiopians. The twelve grant programs are briefly described below.

More information 

Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program provides higher education institutions as well as other types of organizations outside the United States whose programs have an educational focus with the opportunity to draw on the expertise of U.S. scholars and professionals in select fields for a period of 14- 42 days. In addition to sharing their expertise, Specialists can help develop linkages between host institutions and U.S. institutions.  For an application form, please click here.  For the flyer explaining the specialist program, please click here

Fulbright Student Program for Americans: Grants for American college and university graduates fund ten months of study in Ethiopia in the humanities, social sciences, pure and applied sciences, and the creative and performing arts. Additional information and application procedures can be found at

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for Ethiopians: The Fulbright Senior Scholar Program is open to scholars who have established themselves in their fields and wish to take advantage of the opportunity to further their professional development through research or lecturing activity in the United States. The candidate must have a M.A. degree (as a minimum requirement), a proven record of research activities and publications, and well-developed English skills. Applicants must be Ethiopian citizens permanently residing in Ethiopia.

Grantees are chosen in a competitive process which includes submission of an application and project proposal, peer review of the proposal and final selection by a reviewing panel. Applicants may submit project proposals for grants from 3 to 9 months.

Fulbright Scholar Program for Americans: American scholars are funded for research and/or lecturing throughout Ethiopia for ten months. For additional information and application materials, see

Fulbright Senior Specialist Program for Americans: As a complement to the Fulbright Senior Scholar Program, the Senior Specialist Program funds American academic experts who wish to undertake two to six-weeks projects in host country academic institutions. Activities may include presenting lectures; leading seminars and workshops; conducting needs assessments, surveys, research; participating in academic programs, conferences, seminars; consulting with administrators and faculty; assess and develop academic curricula or educational material; conduct teacher training. Ethiopian universities interested in hosting Senior Specialists must be willing to provide in-country transportation, meals and lodging. The Fulbright Program funds international transportation and provides a stipend to the Senior Specialist. For additional information, see Applications for Senior Specialist grants are accepted at any time.

For more information visit:

Fulbright Junior Staff Development Program (JSD) and Fulbright Program for Foreign Students: These programs are not available for Ethiopian candidates at this time.  Please check this website for the listing of eligible countries:

Academic Year Programs

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program: Each year, the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs offers mid-career professionals the opportunity to pursue graduate-level academic course work with professional development activities through the Humphrey Program. While the Program does not offer a degree, it does provide broad, professional enrichment through a combination of activities tailored to each Fellow's interest. Humphrey Fellowships are limited to one academic year, preceded, if appropriate by a period of English-language training. More information:

Short Term Programs

The International Visitor Leadership Program: Brings mid- to senior-level individuals from Ethiopia to the U.S. for three weeks, to meet with their counterparts and examine issues related to democratic and economic reform, as well as other topics of interest in the U.S.-Ethiopian relationship. The International Visitor Leadership Program affords a unique opportunity for established or potential foreign leaders in government, politics, media, education, labor relations, the arts and other key fields to confer with their professional counterparts and to experience the U.S. first-hand.

Unlike some other programs, the American Embassy nominates the visitors who travel to the United States from Ethiopia to meet with their U.S. counterparts in various American cities. Candidates do not "apply" or nominate themselves.  Cultural and geographic diversity play a large role in these programs. The decision whether to accept and fund nominees rests with the Department of State in Washington and the Public Affairs Section in Addis Ababa.

International Visitor Leadership Programs provide an in-depth look at a particular subject area.  Participants travel in groups and generally visit five or six U.S. cities.  Participants are typically in their 30s or 40s, and are mid-career professionals with a long career track ahead of them.

Programs in the Arts and Humanities: A limited number of United States government programs exist in the arts and humanities. Selection is highly competitive. Participants should be up and coming artists, performers, or writers. Programs in museum management are dependent upon a cooperative relationship with an American museum. International Partnership among Museums is a program offered by the American Association of Museums for museum administrators and curators who wish to strengthen ties to American museums and galleries.

English Language Fellow Program

The English Language Fellow (ELF) program provides qualified English language teaching professionals to institutions and universities for an academic year. They consult on curriculum development and materials design and present seminars on methodology, with a special focus on American Studies. Fellows also travel extensively to give seminars, participate in conferences, and consult on projects.

Cultural Programs

The Cultural Connect Envoys Program: The Cultural Connect Envoys Program will support short programs for U.S. artists, art educators and arts managers. Programs may include collaborative creation of work, workshops, master classes and other training, mentoring of young artists.

American Music Abroad Program: The American Music Abroad Program, co-sponsored by the Department of State, sends selected professional American jazz musicians on concert tours in countries where there is limited exposure to American culture. The American Music Abroad Program is the new name for Jazz Ambassadors, and reflects the program’s inclusion of additional musical forms. Jazz Ambassadors was managed by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts since the program began in 1998. The program is managed by a cooperating organization. The Department of State selects this partner.


  • The English Language Specialist (ELSPEC) Program provides opportunities for Ethiopian Institutions of higher learning to host English Language Specialists for the period of two to sixteen weeks and have them engage in teaching English as a second language (TEFL/TSEL), host institution program evaluation, teacher training, curriculum and textbook development, and other related activities.  Please note that this program is separate from the English Language Fellowship (ELF) program.

    Preferred hosts are degree-granting, post-secondary academic institutions, comparable to U.S. colleges or universities. This requirement helps to promote an important program goal of fostering linkages between U.S. and non-U.S. academic institutions of higher education. The host institution is responsible for providing housing and a stipend to cover the cost of meals.  Please allow a minimum of 4 months before the start day of the program.

    For an application form, please click here.  For the flyer explaining the specialist program, please click here