Chairman Dave Camp

In Case You Missed It...

  • Social Security’s Financial Future

    January 30, 2013 - Workers, especially younger ones, have been surprised to see their pay checks shrink as the temporary payroll tax cut has gone away and they are again paying their full 6.2 percent of wages in order to fund Social Security. To avoid further worsening Social Security’s financing challenges, under th... More
  • Camp Looks Beyond Budget Battles With Ambitious Tax Overhaul

    January 30, 2013 - Despite a fractious political environment, efforts in Congress to streamline and update the country’s labyrinthine tax system are quietly picking up steam, adding a twist to the ongoing debate over federal fiscal policy. Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means C... More
  • ICYMI: Tameria Greene's death shows work must be done to protect kids

    January 24, 2013 - Tameria Greene of Detroit should have celebrated her ninth birthday on January 2. Instead, her family was preparing for her funeral after she was fatally stabbed on December 30. Although the death of any child is tragic, Tameria's is especially heartbreaking. On her birthday, authorities charged he... More
  • ICYMI: A good first step that is already working

    January 23, 2013 - Tomorrow the House will vote on a short-term debt limit extension tied to a requirement that the House and Senate each pass a budget resolution. Donald Marron has written an excellent and succinct substantive analysis of the bill. The House bill fits well with the strategy I advocated last week on ... More
  • ICYMI: A Health Scare for Small Businesses

    January 17, 2013 - By Emily Maltby During her two-plus years in business, Elizabeth Turley has steadily recruited new employees for her apparel company, Meesh & Mia Corp., to keep pace with its rapid growth. But this year could be different. Instead of increasing her staff, she plans to hire independent contractors f... More
  • Health care law may mean less hiring in 2013

    January 3, 2013 - Many businesses plan to bring on more part-time workers next year, trim the hours of full-time employees or curtail hiring because of the new health care law, human resource firms say. Their actions could further dampen job growth, which already is threatened by possible federal budget cutbacks resu... More
  • Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) On CBS "This Morning"

    December 12, 2012 - More
  • MSNBC: Anti-poverty programs impact federal debt

    December 11, 2012 - More
  • AARP lobbies against Medicare changes that could hurt its bottom line

    December 4, 2012 - As Washington debates whether to cut federal retirement programs as part of a deal to tackle the nation’s debt, one of the most powerful advocates for preserving them could have millions of dollars riding on the outcome. AARP, the highly influential lobby for older Americans, is fiercely opposing a... More
  • Durbin (Again) Denies Social Security’s Red Ink

    November 30, 2012 - Sen. Richard Durbin says that “Social Security does not add one penny to our debt.” That’s false. It was wrong 21 months ago, when Durbin said it once before, and it’s even more off the mark now. The federal government for the first time in its history had to borrow money in 2010 to cover Social Se... More