
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite view from 22,300 miles above the Earth's surface
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite view from 22,300 miles above the Earth's surface

NCDC has affiliations with many institutions around the world. NCDC works with these various international organizations to monitor the current state of the climate in addition to participating in numerous international climate assessments. The collaborations below are examples of NCDC's dedication to making and maintaining global connections to expand our understanding of the Earth's climate.

The Global Observing Systems Information Center

The Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC) is hosted at NCDC and provides an information center that facilitates the search of and access to data, data products, metadata, and information for the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), and their partner programs. The GOSIC Portal is the single entry point for these data and provides easy access for users. The GOSIC Portal also explains the data systems and provides integrating overviews of the programs and online access to their data, information, and services. The GOSIC Portal does not hold data. It maintains information about the datasets and products and points to the centers holding them.

The World Data System

The 29th General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU) created the ICSU World Data System (WDS). The WDS builds on the 50-year legacy of the former ICSU World Data Centers and former Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical data-analysis Services. The ICSU WDS concept aims at a transition from existing stand-alone services to a common globally interoperable distributed data system that incorporates emerging technologies and new scientific data activities. The WDS strives to become a worldwide “community of excellence” for scientific data, with searchable common data directories and catalogues, which ensures the long-term stewardship and provision of quality-assessed data and data services to the international science community.

The World Meteorological Organization

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces, and the resulting distribution of water resources. The vision of WMO is to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and water resources, and related environmental issues and thereby contribute to the safety and well-being of people throughout the world and to the economic benefit of all nations.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change. The IPCC reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical, and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.

The Group on Earth Observations

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations. It provides a framework within which these partners can develop new projects and coordinate their strategies and investments. As of March 2012, GEO’s members include 88 governments and the European Commission. In addition, 64 intergovernmental, international, and regional organizations with a mandate in Earth observation or related issues have been recognized as participating organizations.

The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) coordinates civil space-borne observations of the Earth. Participating agencies strive to enhance international coordination and data exchange and to optimize societal benefit. Currently, 52 members and associate members made up of space agencies, national, and international organizations participate in CEOS planning and activities.