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  • December 30, 2010, Board letter forwarding the Quarterly Report to Congress on the Status of Significant Unresolved Issues with the Department of Energy Design and Construction Projects. [PDF]
  • December 30, 2010, Department letter confirming delivery of a TIPR for the Engineered Container/Settler Tube Disposition Phase 1 of the K-Basin sludge project. [PDF]
  • December 29, 2010, Department letter providing a quarterly update on the status of the Structural Steel Peer Review Team at the WTP. [PDF]
  • December 22, 2010, Board letter summarizing the Board's understanding of the status and safety posture of the Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System (ECRTS) project at the Hanford Site. [PDF]
  • December 21, 2010, Department letter providing corrective action plan for the electrical safety program at WIPP in response to the September 22, 2010 Board letter. [PDF]
  • December 20, 2010, Department letter providing corrective actions for the work planning and control deficiencies at Hanford in response to the September 23, 2010 Board letter. [PDF]
  • December 17, 2010, Board letter accepting the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • December 17, 2010, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2010-2, Pulse Jet Mixing at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant[PDF]
  • December 7, 2010, Board letter regarding Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) to support post-2010 operations at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry and Metallurgy Research (CMR) facility. [PDF]
  • December 7, 2010, Board letter responding to the Department's letter on November 19, 2010, regarding the NNSA integrated approach to nuclear safety governance. [PDF]

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  • November 24, 2010, Department letter transmitting Revision 6 to the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site[PDF]
  • November 23, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board's letter of July 16, 2010 regarding the inclusion of hazard controls within safety basis documents at the Savannah River Site. [PDF]
  • November 19, 2010, Department letter regarding the NNSA integrated approach to nuclear safety governance. [PDF]
  • November 9, 2010, Department letter transmitting Deliverable 5.2.1 for the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2009-2 Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • November 9, 2010, Department letter elaborating the process and criteria being used to evaluate control strategies for seismically-induced events for the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2009-2 Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • November 5, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board’s May 21, 2010 letter requesting an analysis for setting forth a technically defensible basis for (a) the final deposition velocity to be used in accident calculations for WTP and (b) complex-wide use of a default value (or values) to be specified in DOE's MACCS2. [PDF]

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  • October 29, 2010, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2010-1, Safety Analysis Requirements for Defining Adequate Protection for the Public and the Workers[PDF]
  • October 22, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report on actions to correct work planning and control deficiencies at WIPP. [PDF]
  • October 20, 2010, Department letter requesting an extension to February 11, 2011 in response to the Board's letter of August 5, 2010 to provide briefings and reports on deficiencies in the accident analysis, control set, and safety system design for the Critical Experiments Facility at the Nevada National Security Site. [PDF]
  • October 18, 2010, Department letter discussing changes to the Hanford Tank Farm Documented Safety Analysis and associated technical basis in response to the Board's letter of August 5, 2010. [PDF]
  • October 13, 2010, Department letter transmitting an updated implementation plan schedule for Recommendation 2008-1, Safety Classification of Fire Protection Systems, in response to the Board’s letter of July 1, 2010. [PDF]
  • October 12, 2010, Department letter requesting a 30-day extension to provide a complete response to the Board's letter of July 16, 2010 regarding the inclusion of hazard controls within safety basis documents at the Savannah River Site. [PDF]
  • October 1, 2010, Department letter transmitting updated reports regarding confinement ventilation systems for the U-233 project as part of IP 2004-2. [PDF]
  • October 1, 2010, Department letter transmitting the Tank Waste Subcommittee's report on its review of the WTP design and possible improvements to project cost and schedule. [PDF]

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  • September 30, 2010, Department letter transmitting Deliverable 5.3.1 for IP 2009-2 Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • September 29, 2010, Board letter acknowledging NNSA's approval of CD-1 for the TRU Waste Facility at LANL. [PDF]
  • September 23, 2010, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Board response to Mr. Sullivan's request for an investigation of health and safety matters at the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory. [PDF]
  • September 23, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report on actions to correct work planning and control deficiencies by the Richland Operations Office and CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company. [PDF]
  • September 22, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement to provide a report on deficiencies in the electrical safety program and the 480V Motor Control Center in the Fire Water Pump Building at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. [PDF]
  • September 20, 2010, Department letter transmitting formal notice of completion of commitment for 5.4.1 of Recommendation 2007-1. [PDF]
  • September 20, 2010, Department letter providing a quarterly update on the status of the Structural Steel Peer Review Team at the WTP. [PDF]
  • September 17, 2010, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to respond to the Board's May 21, 2010, letter regarding the deposition velocity to be used for both WTP and complex wide. [PDF]
  • September 10, 2010, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Report to Congress on Infrastructure Needs in the Department's Aging Defense Nuclear Facilities. [PDF]
  • September 9, 2010, Department letter transmitting a response to address work planning and control upgrades for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). [PDF]
  • September 8, 2010, Department letter transmitting the response to questions regarding plans and processes for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) to support the upcoming hearings. [PDF]
  • September 3, 2010, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Report to Congress on the Status of Significant Unresolved Issues with the Department's Design and Construction Projects. [PDF]
  • September 2, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board's May 5th, 2010 letter regarding QA of the HPAV test program for the WTP. [PDF]

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  • August 31, 2010, Department letter transmitting the approved response plan to the Hydrogen in Piping and Ancillary Vessels at WTP Independent Review Team's Findings and Recommendations. [PDF]
  • August 26, 2010, Board letter identifying an acceptable deposition velocity for use in the WTP Safety Strategy calculations. [PDF]
  • August 25, 2010, Department letter concerning the Clarification on the Decision Logic and Criteria for the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • August 16, 2010, Board letter congratulating NNSA for the on time completion of repackaging Pu-238 materials at the LANL Plutonium Facility. [PDF]
  • August 13, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board's April 29, 2010 letter regarding SRS H-Canyon age related degradation. [PDF]
  • August 6, 2010, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement to provide written responses to the enclosed questions to be used to prepare for the October 7-8, 2010 WTP public meeting. [PDF]
  • August 5, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement to provide briefings and reports on deficiencies in the accident analysis, control set, and safety system design for the Critical Experiments Facility at NTS. [PDF]
  • August 5, 2010, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement to provide a briefing and report on analytical and implementation deficiencies in the Hanford Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis. [PDF]

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  • July 29, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board's July 27, 2010 letter regarding preserving information associated with an ongoing Board investigation. [PDF]
  • July 27, 2010, Board letter identifying the need to preserve information associated with an ongoing Board investigation. [PDF]
  • July 26, 2010, Board letter congratulating the 2009 DOE Facility Representative of the Year. [PDF]
  • July 16, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement to provide a report and a briefing on actions to bring the SRS Documented Safety Analysis procedures into compliance with 10 CFR 830. [PDF]
  • July 16, 2010, Board letter acknowledging the Department's agreement with the Board's comments on the Hydrogen in Pipes and Ancillary Vessels Independent Review Team (HIRT) activities. [PDF]
  • July 16, 2010, Board letter acknowledging the 2009 DOE Safety System Oversight (SSO) Annual Award Winner, and encouraging DOE to continue to recognize the important contributions of SSO personnel to operational safety. [PDF]
  • July 13, 2010, Department letter forwarding the Department's Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety[PDF]
  • July 12, 2010, Board letter to Citizen Action New Mexico acknowledging information provided to the Board on March 3, 2010. [PDF]
  • July 6, 2010, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a briefing on issues related to the implementation of DOE-NA-STD-3016-2006 for Hazards Analysis Reports at Pantex. [PDF]
  • July 2, 2010, Department letter describing current actions underway to address concerns stated in a May 12, 2010 DNFSB letter regarding HPAV design and implementation of safety criteria. [PDF]
  • July 2, 2010, Departmental letter requesting a 45-day extension to respond to the May 5, 2010 DNFSB letter on the review of QA aspects of HPAV test programs for the WTP. [PDF]
  • July 1, 2010, Board letter identifying that several items should be included in the revision to DOE-STD-1066, Fire Protection Design Criteria, which is committed to in the 2008-1 IP. [PDF]

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  • June 30, 2010, Department letter transmitting an Exclusion Report for Commitment 8.3 of IP 2004-2 for the Gamma Irradiation Facility at the Sandia National Laboratories. [PDF]
  • June 30, 2010, Department letter containing the Project Execution Plan for K-Basin sludge per the January 27,2010 letter from EM to the Board. [PDF]
  • June 30, 2010, Department letter providing the NNSA's response to the Board's letter inquiring about DOE facilities that exceed the Department's Standard 3009 Evaluation Guideline. [PDF]
  • June 30, 2010, Department letter providing the Office of Environmental Management's response to the Board's letter inquiring about DOE facilities that exceed the Department's Standard 3009 Evaluation Guideline. [PDF]
  • June 30, 2010, Departmental letter transmitting the results of analysis of the Structural Steel design of several facilities at the WTP. [PDF]
  • June 28, 2010, FY2009 Annual Report to Congress on DOE's activities relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. [PDF]
  • June 25, 2010, EM Active Confinement System Upgrade Team Review Report and Recommendations committed to in the December 31, 2009 EM letter to the Board. [PDF]
  • June 25, 2010, Department letter transmitting the Office of Science’s response regarding what facilities it manages with regard to DOE-STD-3009 implementation. [PDF]
  • June 25, 2010, Department letter regarding actions taken to address deficiencies found in work planning and control at ORP as described in the Board’s letter of March 12, 2010. [PDF]
  • June 25, 2010, Department letter regarding DOE's activities with high speed tank inspection techniques in response to the Board’s letter of January 6, 2010. [PDF]
  • June 18, 2010, Department letter transmitting revised Project Management Plan to implement the Department's 2010 Safety and Security Reform. [PDF]
  • June 18, 2010, Department letter transmitting formal notice of completion of two commitments for Recommendation 2009-1. The deliverables are: 1. establishment of a Risk Assessment Technical Expert Working Group (RWG) to assist in the review and appropriate use of quantitative risk assessment to better inform nuclear safety decisions; and 2. the issuance of an Information Notice, Risk Assessment in Support of Nuclear Safety. [PDF]
  • June 18, 2010, Department letter transmitting Peer Review of Waste Treatment Plant Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Events in Piping and Vessels conducted through the Department's Risk Assessment Technical Experts Working Group (RWG). [PDF]
  • June 15, 2010, Department letter reporting status of actions in the DOE's Plan of Action to Address Increased HEPA Filter Rejection Rates[PDF]
  • June 14, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report on actions to correct work planning and control deficiencies at LLNL. [PDF]
  • June 10, 2010, Department letter regarding use of evaluation guideline in DOE-STD-3009 in response to the Board’s letter of March 15, 2010. [PDF]
  • June 10, 2010, Board letter thanking the Under Secretary’s designee for his testimony at Board’s May 12, 2010, public hearing on safety oversight at defense nuclear facilities. [PDF]
  • June 10, 2010, Board letter thanking NNSA for testimony at Board’s May 12, 2010, public hearing on safety oversight at defense nuclear facilities. [PDF]
  • June 10, 2010, Board letter thanking HSS for testimony at Board’s May 12, 2010, public hearing on safety oversight at defense nuclear facilities. [PDF]
  • June 7, 2010, Department letter informing of the completion of Commitments,, and in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2007-01. [PDF]
  • June 3, 2010, Department letter transmitting the third 9212 Continued Safe Operating Oversight Team Annual Report. [PDF]
  • June 3, 2010, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to complete the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2009-2. [PDF]

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  • May 27, 2010, Board letter accepting Revision 5 of the Implementation Plan to Recommendation 2001-1 submitted to the Board on March 19, 2010. [PDF]
  • May 26, 2010, Board letter accepting the revised 2009-1 Implementation Plan submitted to the Board on February 1, 2010. [PDF]
  • May 21, 2010, Board letter establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for a report on the deposition velocity to be used for both WTP and complex wide. [PDF]
  • May 21, 2010, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement for a briefing on the technical justification of the hazard categorization of the Z machine at SNL. [PDF]
  • May 20, 2010, Department letter responding to the May 5, 2010 Board letter requesting additional information regarding the directives reform plan. [PDF]
  • May 19, 2010, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to respond to the Board's March 15, 2010, letter regarding the concerns of the DOE's implementation of DOE-STD-3009. [PDF]
  • May 17, 2010, Department letter responding to the Board's January 6, 2010, letter addressing the WTP pulse jet mixing safety issues. [PDF]
  • May 12, 2010, Board letter identifying concerns regarding the Independent Review Team review of the WTP Pretreatment Facility design. [PDF]
  • May 5, 2010, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a written response addressing EM flow down of QA requirements. [PDF]
  • May 5, 2010, Board letter establishing a 15-day reporting requirement to provide a report and a briefing on the DOE directives review criteria and requesting subsequent monthly briefings on the directive consolidation. [PDF]

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  • April 29, 2010, Board letter forwarding its 20th Annual Report to Congress. [PDF]
  • April 29, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for providing a schedule for completing known upgrades and a plan for addressing age-related degradation of H-Canyon at SRS. [PDF]
  • April 27, 2010, Department letter transmitting revised Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2009-1, Risk Assessment Methodologies at Defense Nuclear Facilities. [PDF]
  • April 22, 2010, Board letter congratulating DOE and NNSA on the completion and startup of HEUMF at Y-12. [PDF]
  • April 15, 2010, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Board's April 15, 2010, periodic report to Congress. [PDF]
  • April 14, 2010, Board letter closing Recommendation 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software. [PDF]
  • April 2, 2010, Board letter identifying Dr. Jerry McKamy as the recipient of the Board's 2010 Victor Stello, Jr. Award for Safety Leadership[PDF]

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  • March 31, 2010, Department letter transmitting the report that supports completion of the Section 5.3.1 commitments in the 2007-1 IP. [PDF]
  • March 29, 2010, Department letter responding to SRS fire protection concerns identified in the Board's January 20, 2010, letter. [PDF]
  • March 29, 2010, Department letter forwarding reports on the actions completed and planned to improve work planning and controls at LANL [PDF]
  • March 29, 2010, Department letter providing the initial responses to the WTP structural design concerns identified in the Board's December 2, 2009, letter. [PDF]
  • March 26, 2010, Department letter transmitting a W76 causal factors analysis report. [PDF]
  • March 24, 2010, Department letter forwarding a report on actions taken and planned to improve activities at the LLNL Tritium Processing Facility. [PDF]
  • March 19, 2010, Department letter providing additional information in support of Rev.5 of the 2001-1 Implementation Plan. [PDF]
  • March 15, 2010, Board letter requesting a briefing regarding NNSA's strategy for developing and implementing an independent self-directed peer review process for the UPF civil/structural analysis and design. [PDF]
  • March 15, 2010, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding the application of DOE-STD-3009, and a 60-day reporting requirement for providing site specific information regarding DOE-STD-3009 implementation. [PDF]
  • March 12, 2010, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for providing a report on the actions taken or planned regarding Washington River Protection Solutions work planning and controls deficiencies. [PDF]
  • March 2, 2010, Department letter transmitting the EM deliverable for 2008-1 Implementation Plan Milestone 5.3.2. [PDF]

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  • February 23, 2010, Department letter stating the response to the Board's December 2, 2009, LANL work planning and controls letter is in progress and will be issued by April 2, 2010. [PDF]
  • February 22, 2010, Department letter requesting an additional 60 days to respond to the Board's Janaury 6, 2010, letter regarding WTP pulse jet mixing safety issues. [PDF]
  • February 5, 2010, Department letter requesting closure of Recommendation 2002-1. [PDF]
  • February 2, 2010, Department letter accepting Board Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety, and providing key recent and near-term actions to improve facility safety at the LANL Plutonium Facility. [PDF]
  • February 1, 2010, Department letter reiterating acceptance of Recommendation 2009-1. [PDF]

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  • January 27, 2010, Department letter transmitting the 2004-2 IP Commitments 8.6.3 and 8.6.5 deliverables for Y-12. [PDF]
  • January 27, 2010, Department letter providing information regarding the plans for removal and treatment of K-West Basin sludge [PDF]
  • January 27, 2010, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding deficiencies noted during the LLNL Tritium Process Station Readiness Assessment. [PDF]
  • January 25, 2010, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding the results of the causal factors analysis of untimely communications of W76 data from SNL to Pantex. [PDF]
  • January 20, 2010, Department letter requesting an extension to February 3, 2010 for responding to Board Recommendation 2009-2. [PDF]
  • January 20, 2010, Board letter transmitting the report of the Board staff's review of the SRS fire protection program [PDF]
  • January 19, 2010, Department letter transmitting the report that supports completion of the Section 5.2.6 commitments in the 2007-1 IP. [PDF]
  • January 19, 2010, Department letter transmitting the DOE Annual Report on Nuclear Criticality Safety for Calendar Year 2009. [PDF]
  • January 7, 2010, Board letter requesting additional supporting information needed in order to complete the review of Rev.5 of the 2001-1 IP. [PDF]
  • January 6, 2010, Board letter responding to public comments on Recommendation 2009-2 (see letter posted on December 10, 2009). [PDF]
  • January 6, 2010, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement on WTP pulse jet mixing safety issues. [PDF]
  • January 6, 2010, Board letter forwarding the Board staff report on the waste tanks NDE Independent Review held in Atlanta, GA on August 25-27, 2009. [PDF]

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