Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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Invitation to Head Start Grantees to Apply for Financial Assistance to Expand Head Start Enrollment

NOTICE: This Issuance has been withdrawn or superseded. It is provided for historical reference only and has no current applicability or effect.

Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Administration for Children and Families

1. Log No. ACYF-PI-HS-97-01

2. Issuance Date: 03/12/1997

3. Originating Office: Head Start Bureau

4. Key Words: FY 1997 Head Start Expansion



TO: Head Start Grantees and Delegate Agencies

SUBJECT: Invitation to Head Start Grantees to Apply for Financial Assistance to Expand Head Start Enrollment

LEGAL AND RELATED REFERENCES: The Head Start Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq.

SUMMARY: The Head Start Bureau of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families announces that competing applications will be accepted to expand Head Start services in communities currently served by Head Start grantees.

NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE: In fiscal year (FY) 1997 Head Start received an increase in funding of $411,671,000. Based on mandates in the Head Start Act, $185,012,000 is being used to offset increases in the cost of living, improve program quality, and expand training and technical assistance services. For information on these funds, please see the December 12, 1996 Program Instruction, "FY 1997 Initial Funding Guidance," (ACYF-PI-HS-96-19).

The remaining $226,659,000 will be used to expand enrollment from the current 752,000 children to approximately 800,000 children in the following areas:

  • To expand Head Start enrollment in communities served by existing Head Start grantees.
  • To serve more children and families in Early Head Start programs. $11,638,000
  • To expand Head Start services in counties, Federal Indian Reservations, and specified communities with populations of migrant farmworkers that are not served by existing Head Start programs. $14,423,000

The attached announcement describes plans for awarding the $200,598,000 available to expand enrollment in communities served by current Head Start grantees only current Head Start grantees are eligible to submit applications for these funds to expand enrollment in their current services areas.

Two separate announcements will be issued in the Federal Register to invite new proposals for Early Head Start projects and to provide Head Start services in jurisdictions that do not have Head Start programs and are not served by a Head Start grantee.

In a small number of other communities where Head Start grantees have relinquished their grants or been denied refunding, a share of the FY 1997 expansion funds will awarded as part of already planned competitions to select replacement grantees. These funding opportunities will be announced in local newspapers.


This year's expansion of Head Start enrollment coincides with a growing need by low-income families for full-day/full-year forms of early childhood programs. An increasing proportion of Head Start families are working, and many Head Start families who receive public assistance are participating in welfare reform initiatives designed by State governments in response to the newly enacted Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Accordingly, special priority and a competitive advantage will be given to applications to create more full-day/full-year Head Start services through blended funding and/or partnerships. Grantees are urged to consider combining Head Start expansion funds with other child care and early childhood funding sources and to delivering services through partnerships with community based child care centers and providers and funding sources.

Grantees may also apply to serve additional children in part-day, home-based or other program options without the use of blended funding or partnership strategies.


Applicants will compete against other applicants from their geographical area. There are 55 such areas: the 50 States; the District of Columbia; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; the Virgin Islands and the outer Pacific Islands combined; the area served by current Indian Head Start grantees; and the area served by current Migrant Head Start grantees.

Applications will be reviewed by expert peer review panels in Washington, D.C. The Commissioner of ACYF will make the final selection of applicants to be funded.

The closing date for receipt of applications is June 5, 1997.


For information regarding applications contact the ACF Regional Office which is responsible for the your Head Start program or the American Indian Programs Branch or Migrant Programs Branch if your program is funded by these offices.

We hope you will give careful consideration to this opportunity to bring the benefits of Head Start to more children and families in your community.

Helen H. Taylor
Associate Commissioner
Head Start Bureau

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Invitation to Head Start Grantees to Apply for Financial Assistance to Expand Head Start Enrollment. ACYF-PI-HS-97-01. HHS/ACF/ACYF/HSB. 1997. English.

This is a Historical Document.