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[image:] Gary Miller Gary Miller

Title: Research Forester
Unit: Ecology and Management of Invasive Species and Forest Ecosystems
Address: Northern Research Station
180 Canfield St.
Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone: 304-285-1521
E-mail: Contact Gary Miller

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  • Ph.D., Forest Management, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • BS, MS, Forest Management, West Virginia University

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Certified Forester, Society of American Foresters, West Virginia State Board of Registration for Foresters

Current Research

My research focuses on the silviculture and management of central Appalachian hardwoods. In cooperation with many other natural resource professionals, I study a wide variety of silvicultural methods that landowners can employ to enhance the beauty and productivity of their woodlands. Our long-term field studies are designed to discover effective strategies for regenerating desirable plant communities, improving the productivity of immature forests, and sustaining the production of multiple woodland benefits.

Why is This Important

Both natural and anthropogenic disturbances in forest ecosystems can lead to changes in species composition and structure of woody and herbaceous plant communities. Such changes are directly linked to the nature and quality of woodland benefits that flow from our forests. Understanding and managing how disturbance affects forest plant communities is a vital step in sustaining forest attributes for current and future generations.

Future Research

  • Effect of microsite conditions on the development of advance reproduction in hardwood stands
  • Prediction of the competitiveness of advance oak seedlings based on pre-disturbance characteristics.
  • Influence of reserve trees on microsite conditions, regeneration dynamics, and wildlife habitat after
    harvest in hardwood stands.
  • Techniques to enhance the development of young trees after disturbance in managed hardwood.

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Additional Online Publications

Other Publications by Gary Miller *

  • Gottschalk, Kurt; Miller, Gary; Brose, Patrick. 2011. Five-year dominance probabilities for oak seedlings and stump sprouts in Pennsylvania. Journal of Forestry. 109(8): 570. [Presentation abstract].

*Due to policy or copyright restrictions, we are unable to provide full-text versions of these publications. Please check with your local library or Contact Gary Miller to inquire about reprints.

Last Modified: 02/15/2012