Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Indiana
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Economy and Jobs

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Feb 13, 2013

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks applauded the introduction of House Resolution 523, the Protect Medical Innovation Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives today. Brooks is an original co-sponsor of the legislation that seeks to repeal a 2.3 percent excise tax on medical innovation.

Feb 6, 2013


Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN) offered the following statement after voting yes on House Resolution 444, commonly known as the Require a PLAN Act.

“For too long, the President has pretended to lead on the single issue that is most important to all Americans: the economy. He’s chosen to ignore our most pressing challenges rather than provide our Nation with a blueprint to solvency and growth. That’s the only way to explain his decision to bypass the legally mandated budget submission deadline for four of the last five years. 

Jan 15, 2013


"Mr. Chairman, my message today is simple: On too many big items, Congress has been kicking the can down the road for years.  It’s time to supply real leadership on the most pressing challenges we face. This is the only way we can restore trust in Congress.   

We are fast approaching a dead end. The Social Security Trust Fund will be bankrupt in twenty years.  Medicare and Medicaid are not on a sustainable path. It is wrong for us to make promises to the American people we know we cannot keep.