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  • Ambassador Chinese New Year Greeting

    Ambassador Chinese New Year Greeting

    Mona and I wish each and every one of you wisdom and strength in this Year of the Snake, and happy reunions with your family and loved ones.

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  • President Obama on Lunar New Year 2013

    President Obama on Lunar New Year 2013

    Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those who will be celebrating the Lunar New Year this Sunday, February 10th.

    ALSO:  Story
  • Ambassador Locke at Goldman Sachs Macro Conference

    Amb Locke at Goldman Sachs Macro Conference

    From Ambassador Locke’s speech at the Goldman Sachs Macro Conference in Hong Kong Febuary 5th: A transparent, rules-based society is not only good for social development and stability—it is also good for business and economic development.

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  • John Kerry Sworn In

    John Kerry Sworn In

    On February 1, 2013, at 4:04 p.m. EST, John Forbes Kerry was sworn in as the 68th Secretary of State of the United States. He will address employees upon his arrival at the State Department on Feb 4.

East Asia and the Pacific

Embassy Headlines

  • President Obama on Lunar New Year 2013

    Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those who will be celebrating the Lunar New Year this Sunday, February 10th. Here in America and around the world, people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent will welcome the Year of the Snake.  

  • Ambassador Locke's remarks at Goldman Sachs Macro Conference

    AMBASSADOR LOCKE: Thanks much David, for the introduction and it’s really an honor to be here, having been invited to the Goldman Sachs Global Macro Conference. I have to say first of all, it was a real treat to listen to Christina Romer, my colleague in Washington, DC, when we were both stationed there. And it’s also a pleasure to be here with Ambassador Steven Young, who’s the Consul General for the U.S. Consulate General, here in Hong Kong...  

  • 100,000 Strong Foundation Launched

    CAROLA MCGIFFERT:We are delighted to announce that the 100,000 Strong Foundation has officially launched! Last week, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the establishment of the 100,000 Strong Foundation, an independent non-profit whose mission is to increase the number and diversity of Americans studying in China.The Foundation is housed at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC...  

  • Secretary Clinton Announces Launch of 100K Strong Foundation

    Secretary Clinton hosted an event at the State Department on January 24 to celebrate the launch of the 100,000 Strong Foundation as an independent non-governmental organization that is working to increase the number of American students studying in China. The event, which included 250 invited guests, featured speeches by the Secretary and Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell in addition to a panel that included PRC Ambassador Zhang Yesui...  

  • Clinton, Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida After Their Meeting

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the Ben Franklin Room here in the State Department. And of course, let me warmly welcome the Foreign Minister here for the first time in this new capacity on behalf of the new Government of Japan...  

  • Ambassador Locke Speaks at the Economist China Summit

    Between 2009 and 2011 U.S. exports of goods and services to China grew by 50 percent. That’s 1.5 times the rate that U.S. exports increased to the rest of the world. And of course millions of Chinese jobs are anchored by trade with the United States, which is now China’s largest export market, surpassing even all of the EU combined. 

  • U.S. and China Conclude 23rd Session of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade

    Today marked the conclusion of the 23rd session of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT). Acting U.S. Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank and United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk co-chaired the JCCT along with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack also participated in the discussions. 

  • Fact Sheet: 23rd U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade

    U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk and U.S. Commerce Acting Secretary Rebecca Blank, together with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan, co-chaired the 23rd Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) in Washington, D.C., on December 18-19, 2012. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack also took part in the discussion to address agricultural concerns.  

  • U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation

    Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs William R. Brownfield and Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz led the U.S. delegation to the 10th Plenary Session of the U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation (JLG) in Guangzhou, China, December 17-18.  

  • Statement by U.S. Ambassador to China Gary F. Locke On the Occasion of International Human Rights Day

    BEIJING - In celebrating International Human Rights Day today, we mark the sixty-fourth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration has played a key role in the international community’s efforts to, as Secretary Clinton said in her December 6 speech in Dublin, recognize human rights as “the God-given entitlement of every person” and embed those rights “into international law along with governments’ responsibilities to protect them.” 

  • Statement by Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Maria Otero

    The United States is deeply concerned and saddened by the continuing violence in Tibetan areas of China and the increasing frequency of self-immolations by Tibetans. Chinese authorities have responded to these tragic incidents with measures that tighten already strict controls on freedoms of religion, expression, assembly and association of Tibetans.  

  • Under Secretary Hormats Enlists Chinese Support for Wildlife Protection

    On December 4, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing celebrated Wildlife Conservation Day with a series of events that highlighted the partnership between government, private industry, and NGOs to promote wildlife conservation and fight illegal wildlife trafficking. 

  • Statement from Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus in Beijing, China

    The relationship between the United States and China has never been more important to our collective future. As part of our enduring strategy of rebalancing toward the Asia-Pacific region, the United States is deepening our engagement in this part of the world, which incorporates diplomacy, trade, economy, and defense. And a key to that rebalancing is a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship with China.  

  • Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Marisa Lago Speaks to Chinese Companies about the United States Open Investment Policy and CFIUS

    President Obama and the U.S. Treasury Department place great importance on the U.S.-China economic relationship, and recognize that investment is an increasingly important part of that relationship. Robust two-way investment is a source of tremendous benefits to the people of both of our countries. 

  • Press Statement on the Visit of Deputy Secretary of State Burns to Beijing, China

    On October 17, Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns held constructive and candid meetings with senior Chinese government officials in Beijing, including Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Executive Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun. The meetings were an important opportunity to review the U.S.-China bilateral relationship and included in-depth exchanges on shared economic and security interests, in Asia and globally.  

State of the Union Address


Emergency Contact

  • Emergency Contact
    Emergency Contact

    If you are an American citizen in China with an after-hours emergency, please call 010-8531-4000.  If you are calling from the United States, dial (011-8610) 8531-4000.

International Exchange Alumni

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Grant Opportunity

  • The Embassy is now accepting applications for cultural programming through the Cultural Programs in China grant competition.  Proposals are due February 25.  For more details on eligibility and requirements, click here.

American English

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