Cross Cutting

USAID Uganda Success Story: Potato Farmers Fight Poverty in Uganda

Document Type: 
March 1, 2009

“I worked as a government extension assistant for seventeen years. After the government started implementing the World Bank’s Structural Adjustment Programs in 1990, a number of under-educated public servants were removed from active public service with a retirement package of about $270. The skies seemed to have fallen on my head"...

Draft Infrastructure IQC

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
January 24, 2008

The purpose of this Infrastructure Sector IQC is to provide ready access to short and long-term professional technical assistance and capacity building in the areas of energy, information and communications technology (ICT), roads and transport, water and urban issues to USAID Washington and USAID missions abroad in countries that are assisted by USAID. The tasks awarded under this contract will support USAID’s objective of fostering sustainable infrastructure development in USAID-assisted countries.

Assessing the Role of Gender

Women play a crucial role in agriculture in developing countries. According to the FAO, two-thirds of the female labor force in developing countries is engaged in agricultural work, as independent food producers or agricultural workers. Rural women produce half of the world’s food and, in developing countries, between 60% and 80% of food crops. Yet, despite this, less than 2% of agricultural land is owned by women.

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