Comment Number: OL-100107
Received: 11/21/2004 7:20:46 PM
Commenter: Paula Simpkins
State: NJ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Docket ID: RIN 3084-AA94
No Attachments


As a consumer, I feel that there should be no fee for getting a credit score. If the provider is concerned about abuse, perhaps the free offering can be limited to once a year. Certainly, if someone pays for a credit report, the credit score should automatically be included for free. There have been numerous reports that U.S. consumers are not good at saving nor understanding the implications of their poor financial knowledge. Knowing your credit score could be one step in the right direction. I think that the credit score should be made readily available for free--such as when a credit card company offers to extend you more credit, before you sign up you should be able to get your credit score for free. The credit card companies charge so much in interest and the average family credit card debt is more than $5,000, its hard to believe the credit card companies cannot afford to support the price of making it available.