Comment Number: OL-100056
Received: 11/8/2004 8:34:08 AM
Organization: North American Title Company
Commenter: Joseph Carr
State: FL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Docket ID: RIN 3084-AA94
No Attachments


Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 - Fair and Reasonable Fee for Credit Score Disclosure November 8,2004 To whom it may concern: I feel that the present program for obtaining a copy of the credit report when denied credit is fair and reasonable. Also, to obtain a copy of the credit report from the agency, it should remain within a maximum $10 to pay for costs and allow some room for revenue. This will allow the consumer to prevent fraudulent activities with personal information verfitication and continually view credit score progress. Sincerely, Joseph Carr