Friday 10/9/2009 at 5:27:05 PM

TrainingPro is the national leader in mortgage education. For almost a decade, TrainingPro has been the preferred mortgage training institution educating loan officers and mortgage brokers in small to large companies and state associations. Offering efficient solutions to mortgage training, whether in multiple states or a single state, TrainingPro remains committed to cost effective and high quality mortgage training nationwide.

TrainingPro is an NMLS-approved mortgage education provider!

Beginning this year, the mortgage industry will see several changes in licensing and education requirements, based on the enactment of the Secure and Fair Enforcement (S.A.F.E.) Mortgage Licensing Act. TrainingPro is the unique education provider who monitors, informs and gets involved in the S.A.F.E. Act roll-out on behalf of its students! TrainingPro is your S.A.F.E. Mortgage Education Resource!

Click here to learn more about the S.A.F.E. Act

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TrainingPro is listed #116 on the Inc. 500 list!

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TrainingPro (Provider ID: 1400013) is officially approved as a mortgage education provider through the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS). Course submission has begun! Stay tuned for upcoming course approval announcements!

TrainingPro News
JPMorgan, Banks to Pay $100 Million to Settle Subprime Suit, Lawyer Says
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Practical Advice If You Are Having Difficulty Paying Your Spanish Mortgage
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CashCall Mortgage Breaks the 4% Barrier: Offers Home Buyers a 15-Year Fixed Rate at 3.875% With no Upfront Fees
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What is FHA Streamline Refinance?
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:54:45 -0500
Few Lenders Buying In to Fannie Sales Effort
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:41:24 -0500
Loan Modification - Writing an Effective Letter of Financial Hardship
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:37:58 -0500
When Should I Refinance My Mortgage? Tips of the Trade
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:14:19 -0500

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