About Casey Coleman

Casey Coleman was named Chief Information Officer for U.S. General Services Administration effective September 2, 2007. As CIO, Ms. Coleman is responsible for aligning technology with GSA strategic business objectives. Her primary focus is leading and implementing the effective and efficient acquisition and management of information technology solutions across GSA. Ms. Coleman manages the Agency’s $500 million IT program, overseeing management, acquisition and integration of the GSA information resources. Her oversight includes strategic planning, policy, capital planning, systems development, information security, enterprise architecture, and E-Government.

Previously, Ms. Coleman was appointed the Chief Information Officer for the U.S. General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) on October of 2006. Ms. Coleman was responsible for the delivery of information technology, management services and business applications to support the FAS, the new Service formed by the combination of the GSA Federal Technology Service and Federal Supply Service.

Prior to her designation as FAS CIO, Ms. Coleman served two years as the GSA Federal Technology Service CIO. She also headed the GSA Office of Citizen Services from June 2002 through July 2004, where she developed and successfully launched the USA Services governmentwide citizen customer service program.

Ms. Coleman began her career at Lockheed Martin, where she spent several years in software and system engineering roles, developing onboard command and control systems for military systems employed during the Gulf War. She also served for a year as a Congressional Legislative Fellow in 1994.

With more than 18 years of experience in the high tech sector and a background in electronic business commerce, Ms. Coleman is known for her ability to implement organizational change, and using technology to achieve business and mission goals.

Ms. Coleman is a native Texan and graduated with honors from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s degree in business administration and finance from the University of Texas at Arlington.