March 6, 2012

Project Rebuild to Continue Revitalizing Neighborhoods and Creating Jobs

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A foreclosed home not only damages the family who lost their homeowner dream, but also directly affects neighborhoods by immediately decreasing their property value by an average of $5,000.  Many homeowners who have struggled to make their payments on time have seen their property values decrease through no fault of their own because of the [...]

February 27, 2012

Council on Environmental Quality Releases Federal Agencies Environmental Justice Plans

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Today, HUD and all federal agencies, under the leadership of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released environmental justice strategies, implementation plans and progress reports, outlining steps agencies will take to protect communities facing greater health and environmental risks. The release of the environmental justice strategies is part [...]

December 6, 2011

Investments and Results in the Latino Community

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Last week, Secretary Donovan provided the key note address at the 7th Annual conference of the  National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB) and highlighted the Obama Administration’s investments in Latino communities and organizations. These investments have helped create jobs, stabilize home prices in neighborhoods hard hit by the housing crisis and helped thousands of [...]
