JICO Preliminary Planning Initiative A Collaborative Case Study
Planning for Execution
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Welcome to the Joint Information Communication Office (JICO) Preliminary Planning Case Study. The goal of JICO is to provide you and your team the opportunity to manage a preliminary planning initiative. In order to do this, your assembled team has been tasked to complete Phase 1 (The Management Phase) of the Preliminary Planning Process. Your understanding of the preliminary planning project plan will result in a final project plan brief, which your team will present on the last day of class by way of PowerPoint slides or medium of choice.

While development of your project plan briefing may not require you to actually build a complete project plan, your team will need to brainstorm, document, and be prepared to present a strategy for building a project plan for JICO. As a team, you must decide how much documentation is required to accomplish this. Also consider that a preliminary planning team may be comprised of many different organizations depending on your particular branch of military service or organization. However, team compositions for this case study include the local competitive sourcing office (or equivalent office), representatives from contracting, civilian personnel, and the functions under review (also known as functionals).

This case study is designed as a collaborative activity that promotes research, analysis, and problem solving among its teams of learners. Therefore, you are encouraged to explore this site's many resources in an effort to test and validate ideas, procedures, content, and team member perspectives. Links to supporting documentation, web sites and other resources have been placed throughout to assist you.

Note: Some of the supporting resources can be found in your course book’s appendix if web access is unavailable.

Please proceed to page 2 to begin the case.

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