Ambassador in the Classroom


    Ten Hot Hands-on Activities on the Sun from NASA Saturday April 8, 2006
    Topics addressed: Magnetism, Light, and Size & Scale.
    Magnetic Field Probe
    Cow Magnets
    Solar Pizza
    UV Beads
    Fun With Plasma
    Plasma Ball
    Dynamic Sun
    UV Matching
    Space Weather Kinetic Model
    Inflatable Solar System:
    Solar Scope
    Sun As Art
    • Create an opportunity to blend science and art as and extension to learning abou the Sun and the solar system.
    • Expose students to some images and knowledge about the Sun and solar activity (the Best of SOHO section of the SOHO site is a good place to start). Some examples of what others have created when asked to express a vision of the Sun are available online.
    • Ask students to create their own artwork using their own recently acquire knowledge about the Sun. When they create something of their own making, it can reinforce the learning and generates interest and enthusiasm. They are also being exposed to the latest scientific images from NASA on the Sun.
    • Some good resources for solar artwork would be the SunWorks contest pages that show the entries created by students and adults: (URL)
    • Also the Sun as Art exhibit created to showcase some interesting images that can be developed by adapting SOHO images to some artistic treatments. (URL)
    Links to other resources